Saturday, November 29, 2008


so wednesday i woke up and saw the bf for the first time in forever..we went to this bagel place that his whole high school goes to and we saw all his friends..i hung out with him for a little while then i wnet back to my old gym and everything was different. i was so mad. they redid the entire thing so i didnt know where anything was. everything was different. it was the weirdest thing ever. i came home for family dinner. my mommy made me brisket. yummy. i hadnt had that since before i left for school. then i got ready and went to one of my best friends from high school's house. i saw all my girls from high school there which was awesome. i was so happy to finally see them again! then we all went to my friend anthonys house because he was having a huge party. thats where i saw EVERYONE. literally almost every single one of my friends from high school was there. theres like 50 of us in my group of friends and everyone and then some more were there. it was amazing to see everyone. and im convinced no one is as happy as i am. wednesday night it reached 1 and i realized that i and all of my friends had no idea how we were getting home. i certainly was not going to call my parents at 2 am to pick us up and i felt bad calling one of my friends parents so i resorted to calling the boyfriend to drive me and my friends home. i have the best boyfriend in the world for saving my butt that night. woke up thursday morning and felt terrible. i literally didnt get out of bed until 3pm  when my mom insisted i get ready because company was coming in an hour. by company she meant my grandma aunts uncles and cousins. i dont see why we have to get dressed up to see our family who knows us so well but i didnt feel like arguing with her so i got dressed. i saw all my cousins who i hadnt seen in forever. i never really see them anymore since theyre all in their 20's and everyone lives here there and everywhere and is in school then is out of school then is back in school then is changing jobs and moving here and everyones just all over the place. it was nice to finally see everyone together for once. that night i ended up just hanging out with the family the whole night since i hadnt seen anyone and i was exhausted from the night before. friday morning i woke up and went shopping with my little sister who i never get the chance to spend time with anymore. then i visited my old job at the salon and bought hair stuff for the family who was begging me. i get 50% off basically everything in the store so my whole family loves when i work there haha. then i picked up my grandma and my mom and the four of us went for mani-pedis. that was definately much needed. after that i stopped by my cousins to see her kitten who is absolutely adorable and then got ready to go to my favorite chinese food place to meet my dads side of the family who didnt come to thanksgiving. i hadnt seen them in almost 4 months so i was happy i got to see them. they came back to the house after and we hung out for a little. then one of my best friends from high school picked me up and we went to my friend lisas house because she was having people over. we had fun. played some games. went on some adventures. it was just like high school again. and now i cant believe its saturday already. its basically my last day home since im leaving tomorrow morning at like 12 for the bus station. this weekend flew by. now i have to go do basically a week's worth of work that i havent been doing since ive been too busy seeing my family and friends. this should be fun

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