Wednesday, November 5, 2008

wednesday is finally over

this has been the longest week of my life! i just wanted to get today over with. i had a huge bio test on monday and then a huge chem test today. im hoping that i did okay on both of them but im nervous because everyone seems to fail and then they "curve" it. just for once i would like to get a good grade on one test! is that really so much to ask for. aside from my henious tests, i dont know if thats the right word there but i had my conference with natalie today. i was surprised it was so positive. i was worried after not getting as good a grade as i would have liked on my first paper but she reassured me that i was doing just fine. hopefully thats another weight off my shoulders. im just getting sick of all of this work. it seems like all of my teachers got together and plotted against me and were like okay were going to give all the students all the work this week and then nothing next week. its nice that i can go to miami and have fun this weekend and not have to worry about work, but this past week i was on overload. i was angry i didnt have as much time as i would have liked to work on my english paper because i had so much other work/projects/studying to do. on top of that it was one of my best friends on my floor's birthday so the night before my bio exam we went out to dc to go out to dinner which took over 3 hours so i lost out on valuable studying time. i felt bad it was her birthday i couldnt say no. then as if things couldnt get any worse, my chem test was the day after the election! obviously my whole floor was loud and yelling and my family was calling and my friends from home were calling. apparently in new york city there was massive screaming and partying in the streets. i wish i was there! it must have been so cool. my best friend from home called and said the cops were baracading the roads because there was so many people running in the streets after the announced obama won. i was a big obama fan so i was pretty happy myself =] i decided to celebrate for awhile then ended up staying up until 2am studying. now its about time i catch up on some sleep!

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