Sunday, November 23, 2008

lazy sundays arent so lazy anymore

im updating twice today since my journal seemed to have slipped my mind this week..i cant even remember all the way back to wednesday now..basically we had alot of drama on the floor..people freaking out.thats always fun..NOT..classes were..classes..long and boring..oh wednesday i actually didnt go to bio because i was so exhausted i came home and slept for 4 hours..i literally slept from 2-6:30 when my friends woke me up to go to dinner..that day was great since i got absolutely nothing the time i got back at 7ish i still had to shower and do my chem lab and chem pre lab which was due by 12 that night along with whatever other homework i had..thursday i got out of class early at 1230..came home and did some work..then walked all the way back to the chemistry building at 2 for office hours with my teacher..and i got there and she told me she had a meeting and to come back another day or wait a minimum of a half was freezing and snowing outside i was so mad..and i had been planning on going to natalies office hours to work on my paper except with all the excitement in my dorm this week i never got the chance to actually write instead i came home and finished all of my other work.then i worked out ate and sat down to write my paper while multitasking and doing laundry..the laundry room is actually a really good place to write a paper on a thursday night since its quiet and theres barely any people down there..much quieter than my floor..i was able to write my paper in the two hours that it took me to do my laundry so i felt extremely accomplished that i was able to do both at once..i was able to go to bed early that night..early being around 1..and then friday wasnt that exciting..i actually fell asleep in bio on friday..i forced myself to go bc i didnt go wed..and then i just passed out on my notebook the entire class..i literally took notes for 5 minutes before i passed out..that was a complete waste of an hour..that class is just so boring its ridiculous..i came home and took a nap because i was exhausted after taking only a 45 min nap in class..i finally got up and did some homework and then my friends wanted to get ready to go out i got ready and we went to turtle for the night..danced with some creepers..the usual..came back and ordered chinese food..typical friday panda<3..then we woke up and all felt horrible saturday..went to the diner and ate a giant waffle..that was the highlight of my then it was already we came back to my room and watching forgetting sarah marshall which was the funniest movie ever..i was expecting it to suck and it was then  it was already 5 so we showered and starting to prepare layers for the football game..ive never worn so many layers in my life..i think i wore half of my closet to that game..i was handing out cold weather clothes to my roommate bc shes from miami and barely has any..she said she had never been to a football game where it was cold out before..i was like WHAT?!..i played soccer and softball growing up and there were millions of games where we froze our butts off in the freezing whether in november and in march when the seasons change. ive even played in snow before. i know what its like to be cold. and when your just standing there not even moving your even colder..i forced everyone to wear like 35 layers and no one ended up being cold..the game sucked because we got was fun for the first quarter until we realized that we werent gonna score a touchdown anytime soon.i cant believe we lost at home. let alone let florida state..a school from down south..beat us in this weather..they should have been the ones freezing their butts off..that frustrated me alot..we left after the third quarter because we obviously werent coming back or winning..and my dad and sister were watching from home and making fun of me because they were warm in my house and i was freezing my butt off in the stadium..we just hung out in the dorm the rest of the night because everyone was too cold/tired to go out after the game ended..some of my friends passed out at like 1130 which is probably the earliest any of them have gone to bed in college..haha..and now i just woke up a little while ago and im trying to get everyone else to get up and go to the diner iwth me since its 1 in the afternoon already and weve accomplished absolutely nothing

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