Thursday, November 27, 2008

happy thanksgiving!

why do we say happy thanksgiving to begin with? hmm i mean i guess it should be happy. but it has basically just turned into people eating turkey and no one giving thanks for anything really..its an excuse to get the family together to have a huge meal and for kids to come home from college and relatives to fly in from who knows where..and for people like me to have to take 6 hour miserable bus rides home..i officially hate public transportation..and i wish it wasnt impossible to bring a car to the university of maryland or i would bring mine except its so much to pay just to park it and you have to constantly move it for basketball/football games and its just so annoying. my roommate has one and its a huge anyway on tuesday i left campus at 2 with olivia to catch a 4 oclock bus..we got there early at 3 so we went to fuddruckers to eat..i had never been there was pretty good..then we went to the bus stop a half hour early to make sure we got seats next to each other..except they told us we had to take different buses..i was so pissed..olivia was going to philly and i was going to new york..ugh i was so then i had to sit the whole ride by myself and i just basically slept the whole way since i was so bored..and my mom kept calling me every hour to see where i was and waking me annoying! that was a miserabel ride..and then when i got to nyc finally my dad was supposed to pick me up but there was a car on fire on the fdr so he couldnt get through so i was stuck in chinatown where i dont know anyone and no place was open bc it was already 11 at i stood on a street corner for 15 min waiting for my dad to get through..then i finally got home at was nice to come home after 3 months of being away but everything was different..we got verizon fios so my whole tv was different..we used to have cable..and because of that we got a new internet so i didnt know the username or password for the internet dad moved the computer from upstairs in the extra bedroom to downstairs in the family room..and we got a new washer and dryer that i cant figure out how to work so i didnt even feel at home anymore i because everything was so new and different

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