Sunday, November 23, 2008

mess of a week

this week has been so hectic trying to cram everything in before thanksgiving. i havent even had time to update ive been too busy studying and writing papers and trying to cram in all of my assignments before i leave. im kind of excited to go home now because some of my friends are already home and everyone else is coming home within the next 3 days..its gonna be fun to finally see my friends from high school who i havent seen in forever..i literally havent been home in two months..alot of my friends come home like every two weeks or atleast once a month and everyone went home together columbus day weekend except it was our family weekend that weekend so i couldnt go home bc my parents were coming here..i still have to survive another two days of class before i make it home. one more english class. oh and i should probably finish my paper for that more math class..where i should probably finish the hw for that more chem lecture..where i should probably start the hw for that more bio lecture..where we never get any work just endless readings i havent been doing..and one more chem discussion that i dont have to do anything for =] ..and one more math discussion that i have to go to to hand in my homework..eww..that sounds like so much still to do..i guess im not home free yet like i thought..tonight is going to be entirely consumed by usual..and i have to bring practically all of my books home with me on the bus..that is not going to be fun at all..i have so much homework to do over break its not funny..and when i come back i have two huge basically going to have thanksgiving day off and thats going to be doing work all during break instead of spending time with my friends and family like i want to..i hate school! bio majors get entirely too much work..all i do is work work work..its terrible..i cant wait until december 18 when all my tests are over and i get a month long winter break where im spending a week in aruba and a week in miami..i cant wait! 

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