Sunday, November 9, 2008

home sweet home

im finally back in college park after a long eventful weekend. the last time i updated this i was in warm, sunny miami, florida. now im back in slightly colder, not as fabulous college park. no offense i absolutely love college park, but its just not florida. theres no beaches within 15 minutes of campus and its not 80 and sunny everyday. i am so jealous of everyone that gets to be warm everyday, meanwhile, we get to freeze over the winter. i decided that im moving to florida when im older. hands down. i despise cold weather so it is the perfect place for me. i dont think i could ever get tired of going to the beach. ever. i dont understand how everyone in college doesnt go every weekend because that is exactly what i would do. every saturday and sunday whenever i woke up i would just drive to the beach. okay well maybe not every because theres obviously the football games to go to and a pool right on campus but i would definately go alot more than my boyfriend and his friends do. they're so lucky to have that all year round! i mean im sure miami sucks when its raining and when they get hurricanes but that's only so often. im sure its nice to have a break from the heat and the sun every once in awhile. my roommate lives in miami and i am so jealous of her! i cant wait to go visit her over winter break! me and three of the other girls from my floor are going to live with her for a week and just go to the beach and the grove all week and its going to be ridiculously awesome. i can not wait for winter break just for that sole purpose. 
aside from my ranting about how much i loved miami, last night we went to the grove which is like our route one again and everything was so pretty and it was so much fun. we controlled the jukebox at one of the bars the whole night so we just sang random songs obnoxiously loudly and off key. its such a small world that one of my boyfriends friends went to high school with one of my best friends on my floor so we found that hysterical and laughed about it. we finally went back to campus at like 2 and didnt make it to bed until 3. robbie and i had to wake up at 6:45 to catch my flight at 8 so that was a terrible morning.

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