Tuesday, November 18, 2008

the longest day in the history of the world

i dont think today is ever going to end. its just going to drag on for all of eternity. last night i couldnt go to sleep because the girl that lives next door to me was in the hallway screaming at someone at 2 in the morning right outside my door literally for an hour. i went to bed at 1 so that i could get up for my 8am bio lab the next morning except at 2 i had not fallen asleep yet because she was still out there screaming at her phone. i went into the lounge to discover half my floor was having the same problem and they were all in the lounge. i stayed in there for a half hour and decided if she was still there by the time i got back i was gonna say something to her but thankfully she was gone. so by the time i went into my room at 3 i fell right asleep. so i woke up the next morning on four hours of sleep to go do my wonderful bio lab. atleast we did animal dissections which i find interesting since im a bio major i like all that gross stuff. then we rushed out of bio to study for math. i think i became more confused studying than i was before but everyone was just throwing facts out there because this is supposedly the hardest test of the year so we were all freaking out. i got coffee before the test so i wouldnt fall asleep except i still kept finding myself spacing out because i was so tired. you know its bad when even coffee doesnt help. i took my test and was completely exhausted so i probably did horrible on it but from talking to people after the test i think i did okay. more like i hope i did okay. everyone does so poorly in the class i really hope theres a huge curve at the end which i have a feeling there is going to be. from there i had to go to my last univ class. my teacher brought in pizza and drinks for us which was nice and we made books for children in uganda. my friend molly and i made a book about the colors. we had fun being little kids and making bubble letters and drawing and being creative. its good to exercise your creative side once in awhile. we really dont have the opportunity to do that very much in college whereas in high school we always had stupid projects where the teacher would be like oh creative a colorful title page or something that engaged your sense of creativity. i miss that. anyway after univ i had to go to chem discussion where i just completely lost all my energy and zoned out. i could not focus. atlesat i copied down the problems so i can go over them another time. it was so cold outside when i got outside of class i practically ran home. i was freezing. i could not wait to take a nap. i was so excited to get in my nice comfy, warm bed. i get out of the elevator on my floor and all of a sudden a cop yells at me and goes GET TO YOUR ROOM RIGHT NOW AND STAY THERE. GET WHERE YOU NEED TO BE IMMEDIATELY. i look to my left and theres 5 swat team members on the boys side of my floor.  apparently they were searching for drugs. they tore apart some kids rooms and obviously found some stuff. this was just what i needed when i wanted to take a nap. of course everyones yelling and freaking out. after 15 minutes i was like forget this and i went to sleep because honestly theres nothing anyone could have done and no one was gonna find out any information while the cops were still searching. i woke up an hour later because i couldnt sleep because people kept pounding on my door and screaming in the hallway. people seriously need to grow up. every little thing causes mass hysteria. its starting to get old really fast. were eighteen years old - were adults. we dont need to freak out over everything. so now im sitting in the lounge at 8 trying to get some work done while the rest of my floor continues to talk about what happened three hours ago. im going to go hide on a corner and do my homework and put a sign on me thats says DO NOT DISTURB. 

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