Sunday, November 2, 2008


another lazy sunday - well not for me. i was up early this morning at 9am after going to bed at 3am. i was good and stayed in last night and did my work since i knew that i would get nothing accomplished today. my friends went out though and came home at 2 just as i was heading to sleep so of course i had to stay up with them for a little. alot of them were refusing to go to sleep. i wonder why. haha. they were all in rare form to say the least. i finally got to sleep only to wake up in the middle of the night to turn my clocks back because i was paranoid i wouldnt wake up for softball in the morning. i kept waking up to look at the time. waking up at 9 was nice since for previous tournaments we had to get up at 7. the games were fun. we played navy who was REALLY good. they were all jacked and huge muscular girls who were quite intimidating. we found out that they dont have a varsity team so everyone whose really into softball plays on the club team so theyre alot better than us. i DHed the first game and we played comeptitively. i walked on four straight pitches my first at bat. i was so mad. i hate walking without even getting in a swing. i was surprised their pitchers werent very good. i had a single my second at bat. we scored alot of runs but we ended up losing. the second game i didnt play in. we wound up getting mercied anyway so i was kind of happy i didnt playin that one. i hate losing. the third game i played third. got walked had a hit grounded out and flied out. but my last at bat was special to say the least. it was bottom of the 8th with one out and bases loaded down by one. all i needed to do was get a hit. of course i hit a long fly ball but the outfielders were playing deep and she caught it. the runner on third tagged up and scored and the runner on second ran to third. so it was first and third with the ball still in right field. the girl on first took off for second to distract the fielders from the runner on third. she dove into second under the tag and pummeled the fielder allowing the runner on third to score and we wont the game. it was the most ridiculous game of my life. it was hysterical how we won. i couldnt  believe we won. it was just such weird circumstances. i was so happy though we beat navy atleast in one game. it sucks losing three in a row. terrible terrible terrible. atleast now im in a good mood even though i have to go study for my bio test for the next 5 hours. joy.

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