Sunday, November 16, 2008

another weekend lost

once again i awoke this morning to realize that it was already 1:30 and that i had gotten absolutely nothing accomplished. today i have to read and outline chapter 4 in my chem textbook, do my chem homework, study for my math test on tuesday, do my bio pre-lab, write my univ journal, complete my univ final, write my english paper, do a week's worth of bio readings, and oh yeah i guess update my journal? well atleast im getting one thing accomplished today. luckily a couple of these assignments arent due tomorrow or i would be in trouble. i think im going to save all my bio readings for my 5 hour busride home next tuesday for thanksgiving weekend. atleast ill have something to do on the bus. i probably should have gotten some of this work done earlier but i just had no time this weekend..friday i got back from class and went straight to the gym. i rushed to get ready because we had to leave by 6 to go to my friend on my floors house for friday night shabbat dinner. her family has shabbat dinner every friday - unlike mine - since im only half a jew so my friends decided that we would come one week to meet her family. we drove the half hour to potomac, maryland and only got lost like 18 times on the way. we finally made it to her grandparents house where dinner was and it was so nice to have good food! her family was extremely friendly and nice. i loved them. and it turns out that her uncle grew up ten minutes away from where i live in new york. it was so weird that it's such a small world. he went to the same high school my mom went to. so after a nice homemade meal we headed back to campus - got lost and ended up in virginia - then eventually somehow made it back to maryland. when we got back to campus we got ready to go out and went to a phi si party which was lame and there was a random old man there which was creepy. so we left and went to turtle. we came back from turtle and my friend got in a fight with some random kid on the bus because he told her she wasnt allowed to sing on the bus. she actually tried to beat him up and my other friend was holding her back. we had to get off the bus so she would stop freaking out. low and behold when we go to sit where we usually sit at the football game the next day, whose sitting in the row behind us? that same kid. and it turns out - i know him from home. we have mutual friends and he hangs out with my boyfriend's friends from high school. wonderful! so of course i make friends with the kid that my friend tried to beat up. the football game was absolutely ridiculous. one of the best football game's ive ever seen. i was so happy we beat unc. especially because they rejected me haha. no but seriously it was an awesome game and we actually stayed for the whole thing for once. we got soaked but stayed anyway. then we came back and ordered food since the diner was closed! we ordered from jungle grill - good food i would recommend trying it and they deliver to the dorms which is nice. so after we got dinner at 9 we got ready and went out. my roommate and i went to the mark to meet up with some of her friends from home so naturally i ran into my boyfriends cousin and some of his friends from high school. then i ran into my camp friend who doesnt even go here that i havent seen in 5 years. yes last night was an interesting one to say the least. and now im sitting here babbling not doing any of my other work so im gonna have to end this one! 

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