Saturday, November 8, 2008

my awesome weekend

so right now i am in gorgeous miami, florida at the university of miami visiting my amazing boyfriend. =) thursday night i ventured to the airport all by myself. this was the first time ive ever flown by myself. i feel so mature and grown up now that i can travel by myself. i took the bus and the metro all by myself all the way to DCA. i was able to find the terminal all by myself! when i landed in miami my boyfriend picked me up except i couldnt find him because the airport is huge! theres so many levels and millions of gates. we got back to his dorm room and i got to meet all of his friends from school for the first time. most of them live far from home so ive never met them before. they all turned out to be a really good group of guys who i like alot. thursday night we went out to the grove which is basically the equivalent of their "route one" except its alot bigger and its definately alot easier to get lost. also you have to take a cab or the "drunk bus" as they call it. its really annoying though miami is not very nice to visitors. visiters can not get on the drunk bus because they dont have a miami id. they also can not eat in the dining halls because they do not have a miami id. at maryland anyone can get on the buses and you can pay in the dining hall with a credit card or just put everything on one person's swipe. anyway the grove was fun. miami has a really fun nightlife. friday we slept until 3pm because we got back late the night before. when we finally got out of bed we went to the pool except it wasnt that sunny so we basically slept next to the pool. i was exhausted from traveling. friday night apparently no one goes out in miami because theyre recoverin from thursday night so i made robbie take me out to dinner. we walked to fridays which is pretty close to campus. it was nice to finally spend some one on one time with him after not seeing him for a month. after that we went to the movies with robbies friends. we saw role models. absolutely hysterical. go see it! it was so funny. i love sean william scott and i just discovered that i love paul rudd. they were hysterical together. by the time we got back from the movie it was already 12:30 so we decided to just hang out for the night. we went to bed by 2ish and we woke up at 11 to head to the beach today. of course by the time we went out for breakfast and drove the 20 min to the beach it was already almost 1pm. it was absolutely gorgeous at the beach. we went to the bay so the water was calm and there were palm trees everywhere. ugh it was so pretty i want to live here. one of the frats was having a party on the beach. thats absolutely ridiculous that they get to party on the beach! im so jealous! we came home from the beach at like 5 because the sun was already starting to set. i ate in the dining hall for the first time because i borrowed his roommates miami id. now were back at his dorm and i actually did all of my math homework and now im writing in my journal while watching all the college football games. i havent watched this much college football since ive gotten to college. we watched penn state lose which was an awesome game. then we watched alabama win in OT. and now wer watching texas tech and im hoping we'll get out of here before this game ends. i think were going back into the drove tonight which should be fun!

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