Monday, November 3, 2008

just a day..just an ordinary day

today was just another ordinary day at college park. i dont really have anything exciting to write about except for the fact that i cant wait to go to miami this weekend! im leaving thursday after my classes to visit my long lost boyfriend for the weekend. he goes to umiami and i havent seen him since he came to visit me a month ago. im so excited to finally spend time with him. were going to the beach friday. while i should be in class hehe. oh well i figured since we dont get any days off all year i can take one day off to go away for the weekend. english is cancelled in the morning and then im only missing bio which i never pay attention in anyway and one class of chemistry which ill probably have to just get the notes from someone. overall a day at the beach is worth missing one chem class. i cant wait to be in the warm sand and going in the ocean! ahh im so excited. i miss summer and the beach so much. but anyway friday night were going out to dinner. i dont know where yet i dont really care ill just be happy to be in the warm weather. saturday ill probably lay out by the pool while the boyfriend watches football all day. maybe ill drag him with me anyway hehe. then saturday night we might go out in south beach or the grove depending on whats easier. probably the grove since apparently south beach is far away. this is the first time im visiting robbie at school so im excited to finally see his campus. i heard its absolutely gorgeous and theres a big lake in the middle of it. instead of having a mall he has a lake. how is that fair? well atleast our mall is pretty. alot of our friend's schools are absolutely hideous. our campus is so pretty! but he insists his is better and its hard to argue with 90 degree weather, palm trees, and a giant lake. this week feels like its going to drag on forever because i cant wait for thursday! atleast one day is already over. i had a bio test today. thank god that's over. now i just have to get through my chem test and my week is basically over. wednesday better come soon! 

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