Monday, November 10, 2008

exhaustion is kicking in

today seems like its never going to end. my sleeping pattern is so off i cant sleep anymore. going out and coming home at 3am and waking up at 9am is not a good lifestyle. last night i tried to go to bed at like 1:30 and i couldnt fall asleep until 3am because im getting so used to getting home late and going to bed late. im never going to be able to get sleep again. tomorrow is one of my best friend's on my floor's birthday so were going out tomorrow night which means its gonna be another 3am bedtime night. unfortunately its always nights before english that we end up going out. and i barely ever go out during the week - the only other time i went out during the week was halloween. i thought that was a legitimate reason to go out on a school night. and i cant say no to going out for my best friend's birthday, especially when all my other friends are going with no problem. i dont know why im so exhausted all the time. i have no room in my schedule for naps either except for thursdays, but then i end up sleeping the whole day away. i cant seem to figure out this whole college routine thing. tonight im going to try to go to bed early except liza wants me to stay up until 12 because its her birthday except i have to wake up at 715 for my bio lab in the morning. im always exhausted during my bio and chem labs because theyre both at 8am. i feel bad i can never pay attention for 3 hours but im just so exhausted and those classes seem to drag on forever. 
and now im procrastinating from doing homework by blabbing on and on in this thing. this reminds me of middle school when i kept a livejournal that detailed everything in my life. but that was back before half of the things we do is illegal and i could actually write about the intricacies of my life without getting arrested. haha. oh how life was so much simpler then! ugh okay i need to stop procrastinating and actually do work..and then decorate lizas room for her birthday and wrap her present and make her a card and ahh i have so much to do! 

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