Monday, December 1, 2008

monday monday monday

ah back in cp already! where did the time go? i feel like i wasnt even home. maybe thats because it took me 8 hours to get back here which is ridiculous considering i live four hours away. i hate thanksgiving traffic. next year i decided im coming back monday morning and missing my monday classes because it is completely worth it so i can keep my sanity. i sat on a bus for seven hours. seven miserable hours. it was horrible. and i was all by myself! i left new york city at 2pm and didnt make it back to campus until 10pm. what boggles my mind is in dc there was no traffic at all. and we hit traffic in the most random places. newark, delaware was the worst. theres nothing in newark, delaware besides the university of delaware but i dont think students going back to campus could have caused that much traffic. i didnt even see any accidents. ugh never doing this again. and flying is out of the question since the airports were even worse. my boyfriends flight to miami got delayed for 3 hours and he ended up not getting back to campus until 3am. my friend who was trying to fly back to maryland's flight got cancelled altogether and she couldnt come back until monday morning anyway. traveling for thanksgiving is just ridiculous. it better not be this bad when we go home for christmas break or i will freak out.
aside from the obscene traffic i am happy to be back in college park. the time flew by but i was ready to go back. home just isnt as exciting as it used to be. alot of people changed. things were definately different but atleast my big group of friends was still the same. all 50 of us managed to hang out at some point so that was nice my friends were still there for me. well most of them that is. i was also happy to see my best friends from college when i came home. i was the last one to get back - go figure. my roommate even beat me here from miami even though she left 2 hours later than me. we all caught up on what was going on at home then realized that we all had homework to do. at this point it was already 11 so lucky me i got to stay up until 2am doing my homework. and i actually did work over vacation too. all day saturday i did my math and chem homework so i wouldnt have that much to do when i came back except of course i had an overwhelming amount. why would my life be easy for once? nooo way jose. i couldnt fall asleep last night either since im so used to going to bed at 3am and waking up at 12pm. luckily i didnt have to get up until 9 today but tomorrow i have to get up at 7 so im in trouble if i cant fall asleep tonight. i woke up and walked to english and i realized that i only have to do that horrible half hour walk 5 more times..woo hoo..after english i went to math and apparently they cancelled it at 8 this morning except i didnt check my email this morning so me and two other girls showed up apparently for no reason. im so mad they couldnt have given us a little more notice. by the time we figured it out i had another class in 45 min so it was pointless for me to go back to my dorm. i just went to the library and studied for a half an hour. then i had to go to chem where i have a huge test friday that im going to fail with flying colors. then i went to bio where i have a huge test wednesday. joy. after bio she had a review so i went to the bio review which was extremely boring so i left a half hour early because i was literally falling asleep.  i figured i can study on my own better than being half awake trying desperately to listen to what shes saying that doesnt even make any sense. and now im sitting in my dorm typing my journal in the hallway since my roomate is asleep in my room. shocker there. everyday when i come home shes passed out in the room. its so funny. i think im gonna go relocate to the lounge so i can actually get some work done.

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