Thursday, November 13, 2008

thursday already?

this week has absolutely flown by. maybe its because the whole thing dragged on in one long insomniatic rage since i apparently dont have time to sleep anymore. i think im actually becoming nocturnal. i sleep during the day and stay up late at night then wake up early for class - its an absolutely horrific habit that i wouldnt recommend anyone try. i have so much work and no time to do it because of my weird sleeping habits. last night i stayed up until 3am doing a chem lab with two of my friends because it was so hard no one could do it alone. of course i was busy until like 10 which was when we started. it actually took us 5 hours to complete. i figured we could finish it off by like one and i could get to sleep at a semi-normal hour since afterall, our chem lab is at 8am the next morning. but noooooo it had to be a five hour long chem lab that was absolutely impossible. im starting to hate these labs. i used to not mind them because they didnt take that much time and i usually got fairly good grades on them. now as the weeks go by my grades seem to keep plummetting and the difficulty of the labs seem to increase to no end. i cant wait to do this week's and the week afters. those will probably take whole days to complete. so when we finally finished at 3, my roommate and my friend across the hall were still awake. why, i dont know? i dont know why anyone would want to willingly be awake at 3am but i think my roommate was trying to do some sort of homework and my friend doesnt have class until 1. i convinced them that we needed to go to sleep and they said no but i went to sleep anyway and left them awake. i woke up the next morning at 7, slept walked through chem lab - except i actually understood it for once - shockingly. then i went to math where we learned someone completely useless. my teacher basically told us its completely useless, we wont be tested on it, and you need a calculator to do it(calculators are forbidden in this class). i dont know why i even bothered going to class. he said we would review for the test at the end except he only left himself 10 minutes at the end to review so going to class today was basically pointless and i wish i would have known because i would have came home and slept. instead i got home at 12:30ish and fell asleep at 1 and i just woke up now at 4:45 so i slept the entire day away and got nothing done - which means i'm going to be up late tonight again doing work because i wont be able to fall asleep until late. this is a terrible cycle that i need to break or i will never get anything done! 

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