Saturday, November 29, 2008


so wednesday i woke up and saw the bf for the first time in forever..we went to this bagel place that his whole high school goes to and we saw all his friends..i hung out with him for a little while then i wnet back to my old gym and everything was different. i was so mad. they redid the entire thing so i didnt know where anything was. everything was different. it was the weirdest thing ever. i came home for family dinner. my mommy made me brisket. yummy. i hadnt had that since before i left for school. then i got ready and went to one of my best friends from high school's house. i saw all my girls from high school there which was awesome. i was so happy to finally see them again! then we all went to my friend anthonys house because he was having a huge party. thats where i saw EVERYONE. literally almost every single one of my friends from high school was there. theres like 50 of us in my group of friends and everyone and then some more were there. it was amazing to see everyone. and im convinced no one is as happy as i am. wednesday night it reached 1 and i realized that i and all of my friends had no idea how we were getting home. i certainly was not going to call my parents at 2 am to pick us up and i felt bad calling one of my friends parents so i resorted to calling the boyfriend to drive me and my friends home. i have the best boyfriend in the world for saving my butt that night. woke up thursday morning and felt terrible. i literally didnt get out of bed until 3pm  when my mom insisted i get ready because company was coming in an hour. by company she meant my grandma aunts uncles and cousins. i dont see why we have to get dressed up to see our family who knows us so well but i didnt feel like arguing with her so i got dressed. i saw all my cousins who i hadnt seen in forever. i never really see them anymore since theyre all in their 20's and everyone lives here there and everywhere and is in school then is out of school then is back in school then is changing jobs and moving here and everyones just all over the place. it was nice to finally see everyone together for once. that night i ended up just hanging out with the family the whole night since i hadnt seen anyone and i was exhausted from the night before. friday morning i woke up and went shopping with my little sister who i never get the chance to spend time with anymore. then i visited my old job at the salon and bought hair stuff for the family who was begging me. i get 50% off basically everything in the store so my whole family loves when i work there haha. then i picked up my grandma and my mom and the four of us went for mani-pedis. that was definately much needed. after that i stopped by my cousins to see her kitten who is absolutely adorable and then got ready to go to my favorite chinese food place to meet my dads side of the family who didnt come to thanksgiving. i hadnt seen them in almost 4 months so i was happy i got to see them. they came back to the house after and we hung out for a little. then one of my best friends from high school picked me up and we went to my friend lisas house because she was having people over. we had fun. played some games. went on some adventures. it was just like high school again. and now i cant believe its saturday already. its basically my last day home since im leaving tomorrow morning at like 12 for the bus station. this weekend flew by. now i have to go do basically a week's worth of work that i havent been doing since ive been too busy seeing my family and friends. this should be fun

Thursday, November 27, 2008

happy thanksgiving!

why do we say happy thanksgiving to begin with? hmm i mean i guess it should be happy. but it has basically just turned into people eating turkey and no one giving thanks for anything really..its an excuse to get the family together to have a huge meal and for kids to come home from college and relatives to fly in from who knows where..and for people like me to have to take 6 hour miserable bus rides home..i officially hate public transportation..and i wish it wasnt impossible to bring a car to the university of maryland or i would bring mine except its so much to pay just to park it and you have to constantly move it for basketball/football games and its just so annoying. my roommate has one and its a huge anyway on tuesday i left campus at 2 with olivia to catch a 4 oclock bus..we got there early at 3 so we went to fuddruckers to eat..i had never been there was pretty good..then we went to the bus stop a half hour early to make sure we got seats next to each other..except they told us we had to take different buses..i was so pissed..olivia was going to philly and i was going to new york..ugh i was so then i had to sit the whole ride by myself and i just basically slept the whole way since i was so bored..and my mom kept calling me every hour to see where i was and waking me annoying! that was a miserabel ride..and then when i got to nyc finally my dad was supposed to pick me up but there was a car on fire on the fdr so he couldnt get through so i was stuck in chinatown where i dont know anyone and no place was open bc it was already 11 at i stood on a street corner for 15 min waiting for my dad to get through..then i finally got home at was nice to come home after 3 months of being away but everything was different..we got verizon fios so my whole tv was different..we used to have cable..and because of that we got a new internet so i didnt know the username or password for the internet dad moved the computer from upstairs in the extra bedroom to downstairs in the family room..and we got a new washer and dryer that i cant figure out how to work so i didnt even feel at home anymore i because everything was so new and different

Sunday, November 23, 2008

lazy sundays arent so lazy anymore

im updating twice today since my journal seemed to have slipped my mind this week..i cant even remember all the way back to wednesday now..basically we had alot of drama on the floor..people freaking out.thats always fun..NOT..classes were..classes..long and boring..oh wednesday i actually didnt go to bio because i was so exhausted i came home and slept for 4 hours..i literally slept from 2-6:30 when my friends woke me up to go to dinner..that day was great since i got absolutely nothing the time i got back at 7ish i still had to shower and do my chem lab and chem pre lab which was due by 12 that night along with whatever other homework i had..thursday i got out of class early at 1230..came home and did some work..then walked all the way back to the chemistry building at 2 for office hours with my teacher..and i got there and she told me she had a meeting and to come back another day or wait a minimum of a half was freezing and snowing outside i was so mad..and i had been planning on going to natalies office hours to work on my paper except with all the excitement in my dorm this week i never got the chance to actually write instead i came home and finished all of my other work.then i worked out ate and sat down to write my paper while multitasking and doing laundry..the laundry room is actually a really good place to write a paper on a thursday night since its quiet and theres barely any people down there..much quieter than my floor..i was able to write my paper in the two hours that it took me to do my laundry so i felt extremely accomplished that i was able to do both at once..i was able to go to bed early that night..early being around 1..and then friday wasnt that exciting..i actually fell asleep in bio on friday..i forced myself to go bc i didnt go wed..and then i just passed out on my notebook the entire class..i literally took notes for 5 minutes before i passed out..that was a complete waste of an hour..that class is just so boring its ridiculous..i came home and took a nap because i was exhausted after taking only a 45 min nap in class..i finally got up and did some homework and then my friends wanted to get ready to go out i got ready and we went to turtle for the night..danced with some creepers..the usual..came back and ordered chinese food..typical friday panda<3..then we woke up and all felt horrible saturday..went to the diner and ate a giant waffle..that was the highlight of my then it was already we came back to my room and watching forgetting sarah marshall which was the funniest movie ever..i was expecting it to suck and it was then  it was already 5 so we showered and starting to prepare layers for the football game..ive never worn so many layers in my life..i think i wore half of my closet to that game..i was handing out cold weather clothes to my roommate bc shes from miami and barely has any..she said she had never been to a football game where it was cold out before..i was like WHAT?!..i played soccer and softball growing up and there were millions of games where we froze our butts off in the freezing whether in november and in march when the seasons change. ive even played in snow before. i know what its like to be cold. and when your just standing there not even moving your even colder..i forced everyone to wear like 35 layers and no one ended up being cold..the game sucked because we got was fun for the first quarter until we realized that we werent gonna score a touchdown anytime soon.i cant believe we lost at home. let alone let florida state..a school from down south..beat us in this weather..they should have been the ones freezing their butts off..that frustrated me alot..we left after the third quarter because we obviously werent coming back or winning..and my dad and sister were watching from home and making fun of me because they were warm in my house and i was freezing my butt off in the stadium..we just hung out in the dorm the rest of the night because everyone was too cold/tired to go out after the game ended..some of my friends passed out at like 1130 which is probably the earliest any of them have gone to bed in college..haha..and now i just woke up a little while ago and im trying to get everyone else to get up and go to the diner iwth me since its 1 in the afternoon already and weve accomplished absolutely nothing

mess of a week

this week has been so hectic trying to cram everything in before thanksgiving. i havent even had time to update ive been too busy studying and writing papers and trying to cram in all of my assignments before i leave. im kind of excited to go home now because some of my friends are already home and everyone else is coming home within the next 3 days..its gonna be fun to finally see my friends from high school who i havent seen in forever..i literally havent been home in two months..alot of my friends come home like every two weeks or atleast once a month and everyone went home together columbus day weekend except it was our family weekend that weekend so i couldnt go home bc my parents were coming here..i still have to survive another two days of class before i make it home. one more english class. oh and i should probably finish my paper for that more math class..where i should probably finish the hw for that more chem lecture..where i should probably start the hw for that more bio lecture..where we never get any work just endless readings i havent been doing..and one more chem discussion that i dont have to do anything for =] ..and one more math discussion that i have to go to to hand in my homework..eww..that sounds like so much still to do..i guess im not home free yet like i thought..tonight is going to be entirely consumed by usual..and i have to bring practically all of my books home with me on the bus..that is not going to be fun at all..i have so much homework to do over break its not funny..and when i come back i have two huge basically going to have thanksgiving day off and thats going to be doing work all during break instead of spending time with my friends and family like i want to..i hate school! bio majors get entirely too much work..all i do is work work work..its terrible..i cant wait until december 18 when all my tests are over and i get a month long winter break where im spending a week in aruba and a week in miami..i cant wait! 

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

the longest day in the history of the world

i dont think today is ever going to end. its just going to drag on for all of eternity. last night i couldnt go to sleep because the girl that lives next door to me was in the hallway screaming at someone at 2 in the morning right outside my door literally for an hour. i went to bed at 1 so that i could get up for my 8am bio lab the next morning except at 2 i had not fallen asleep yet because she was still out there screaming at her phone. i went into the lounge to discover half my floor was having the same problem and they were all in the lounge. i stayed in there for a half hour and decided if she was still there by the time i got back i was gonna say something to her but thankfully she was gone. so by the time i went into my room at 3 i fell right asleep. so i woke up the next morning on four hours of sleep to go do my wonderful bio lab. atleast we did animal dissections which i find interesting since im a bio major i like all that gross stuff. then we rushed out of bio to study for math. i think i became more confused studying than i was before but everyone was just throwing facts out there because this is supposedly the hardest test of the year so we were all freaking out. i got coffee before the test so i wouldnt fall asleep except i still kept finding myself spacing out because i was so tired. you know its bad when even coffee doesnt help. i took my test and was completely exhausted so i probably did horrible on it but from talking to people after the test i think i did okay. more like i hope i did okay. everyone does so poorly in the class i really hope theres a huge curve at the end which i have a feeling there is going to be. from there i had to go to my last univ class. my teacher brought in pizza and drinks for us which was nice and we made books for children in uganda. my friend molly and i made a book about the colors. we had fun being little kids and making bubble letters and drawing and being creative. its good to exercise your creative side once in awhile. we really dont have the opportunity to do that very much in college whereas in high school we always had stupid projects where the teacher would be like oh creative a colorful title page or something that engaged your sense of creativity. i miss that. anyway after univ i had to go to chem discussion where i just completely lost all my energy and zoned out. i could not focus. atlesat i copied down the problems so i can go over them another time. it was so cold outside when i got outside of class i practically ran home. i was freezing. i could not wait to take a nap. i was so excited to get in my nice comfy, warm bed. i get out of the elevator on my floor and all of a sudden a cop yells at me and goes GET TO YOUR ROOM RIGHT NOW AND STAY THERE. GET WHERE YOU NEED TO BE IMMEDIATELY. i look to my left and theres 5 swat team members on the boys side of my floor.  apparently they were searching for drugs. they tore apart some kids rooms and obviously found some stuff. this was just what i needed when i wanted to take a nap. of course everyones yelling and freaking out. after 15 minutes i was like forget this and i went to sleep because honestly theres nothing anyone could have done and no one was gonna find out any information while the cops were still searching. i woke up an hour later because i couldnt sleep because people kept pounding on my door and screaming in the hallway. people seriously need to grow up. every little thing causes mass hysteria. its starting to get old really fast. were eighteen years old - were adults. we dont need to freak out over everything. so now im sitting in the lounge at 8 trying to get some work done while the rest of my floor continues to talk about what happened three hours ago. im going to go hide on a corner and do my homework and put a sign on me thats says DO NOT DISTURB. 

Sunday, November 16, 2008

another weekend lost

once again i awoke this morning to realize that it was already 1:30 and that i had gotten absolutely nothing accomplished. today i have to read and outline chapter 4 in my chem textbook, do my chem homework, study for my math test on tuesday, do my bio pre-lab, write my univ journal, complete my univ final, write my english paper, do a week's worth of bio readings, and oh yeah i guess update my journal? well atleast im getting one thing accomplished today. luckily a couple of these assignments arent due tomorrow or i would be in trouble. i think im going to save all my bio readings for my 5 hour busride home next tuesday for thanksgiving weekend. atleast ill have something to do on the bus. i probably should have gotten some of this work done earlier but i just had no time this weekend..friday i got back from class and went straight to the gym. i rushed to get ready because we had to leave by 6 to go to my friend on my floors house for friday night shabbat dinner. her family has shabbat dinner every friday - unlike mine - since im only half a jew so my friends decided that we would come one week to meet her family. we drove the half hour to potomac, maryland and only got lost like 18 times on the way. we finally made it to her grandparents house where dinner was and it was so nice to have good food! her family was extremely friendly and nice. i loved them. and it turns out that her uncle grew up ten minutes away from where i live in new york. it was so weird that it's such a small world. he went to the same high school my mom went to. so after a nice homemade meal we headed back to campus - got lost and ended up in virginia - then eventually somehow made it back to maryland. when we got back to campus we got ready to go out and went to a phi si party which was lame and there was a random old man there which was creepy. so we left and went to turtle. we came back from turtle and my friend got in a fight with some random kid on the bus because he told her she wasnt allowed to sing on the bus. she actually tried to beat him up and my other friend was holding her back. we had to get off the bus so she would stop freaking out. low and behold when we go to sit where we usually sit at the football game the next day, whose sitting in the row behind us? that same kid. and it turns out - i know him from home. we have mutual friends and he hangs out with my boyfriend's friends from high school. wonderful! so of course i make friends with the kid that my friend tried to beat up. the football game was absolutely ridiculous. one of the best football game's ive ever seen. i was so happy we beat unc. especially because they rejected me haha. no but seriously it was an awesome game and we actually stayed for the whole thing for once. we got soaked but stayed anyway. then we came back and ordered food since the diner was closed! we ordered from jungle grill - good food i would recommend trying it and they deliver to the dorms which is nice. so after we got dinner at 9 we got ready and went out. my roommate and i went to the mark to meet up with some of her friends from home so naturally i ran into my boyfriends cousin and some of his friends from high school. then i ran into my camp friend who doesnt even go here that i havent seen in 5 years. yes last night was an interesting one to say the least. and now im sitting here babbling not doing any of my other work so im gonna have to end this one! 

Thursday, November 13, 2008

thursday already?

this week has absolutely flown by. maybe its because the whole thing dragged on in one long insomniatic rage since i apparently dont have time to sleep anymore. i think im actually becoming nocturnal. i sleep during the day and stay up late at night then wake up early for class - its an absolutely horrific habit that i wouldnt recommend anyone try. i have so much work and no time to do it because of my weird sleeping habits. last night i stayed up until 3am doing a chem lab with two of my friends because it was so hard no one could do it alone. of course i was busy until like 10 which was when we started. it actually took us 5 hours to complete. i figured we could finish it off by like one and i could get to sleep at a semi-normal hour since afterall, our chem lab is at 8am the next morning. but noooooo it had to be a five hour long chem lab that was absolutely impossible. im starting to hate these labs. i used to not mind them because they didnt take that much time and i usually got fairly good grades on them. now as the weeks go by my grades seem to keep plummetting and the difficulty of the labs seem to increase to no end. i cant wait to do this week's and the week afters. those will probably take whole days to complete. so when we finally finished at 3, my roommate and my friend across the hall were still awake. why, i dont know? i dont know why anyone would want to willingly be awake at 3am but i think my roommate was trying to do some sort of homework and my friend doesnt have class until 1. i convinced them that we needed to go to sleep and they said no but i went to sleep anyway and left them awake. i woke up the next morning at 7, slept walked through chem lab - except i actually understood it for once - shockingly. then i went to math where we learned someone completely useless. my teacher basically told us its completely useless, we wont be tested on it, and you need a calculator to do it(calculators are forbidden in this class). i dont know why i even bothered going to class. he said we would review for the test at the end except he only left himself 10 minutes at the end to review so going to class today was basically pointless and i wish i would have known because i would have came home and slept. instead i got home at 12:30ish and fell asleep at 1 and i just woke up now at 4:45 so i slept the entire day away and got nothing done - which means i'm going to be up late tonight again doing work because i wont be able to fall asleep until late. this is a terrible cycle that i need to break or i will never get anything done! 

Monday, November 10, 2008

exhaustion is kicking in

today seems like its never going to end. my sleeping pattern is so off i cant sleep anymore. going out and coming home at 3am and waking up at 9am is not a good lifestyle. last night i tried to go to bed at like 1:30 and i couldnt fall asleep until 3am because im getting so used to getting home late and going to bed late. im never going to be able to get sleep again. tomorrow is one of my best friend's on my floor's birthday so were going out tomorrow night which means its gonna be another 3am bedtime night. unfortunately its always nights before english that we end up going out. and i barely ever go out during the week - the only other time i went out during the week was halloween. i thought that was a legitimate reason to go out on a school night. and i cant say no to going out for my best friend's birthday, especially when all my other friends are going with no problem. i dont know why im so exhausted all the time. i have no room in my schedule for naps either except for thursdays, but then i end up sleeping the whole day away. i cant seem to figure out this whole college routine thing. tonight im going to try to go to bed early except liza wants me to stay up until 12 because its her birthday except i have to wake up at 715 for my bio lab in the morning. im always exhausted during my bio and chem labs because theyre both at 8am. i feel bad i can never pay attention for 3 hours but im just so exhausted and those classes seem to drag on forever. 
and now im procrastinating from doing homework by blabbing on and on in this thing. this reminds me of middle school when i kept a livejournal that detailed everything in my life. but that was back before half of the things we do is illegal and i could actually write about the intricacies of my life without getting arrested. haha. oh how life was so much simpler then! ugh okay i need to stop procrastinating and actually do work..and then decorate lizas room for her birthday and wrap her present and make her a card and ahh i have so much to do! 

Sunday, November 9, 2008

home sweet home

im finally back in college park after a long eventful weekend. the last time i updated this i was in warm, sunny miami, florida. now im back in slightly colder, not as fabulous college park. no offense i absolutely love college park, but its just not florida. theres no beaches within 15 minutes of campus and its not 80 and sunny everyday. i am so jealous of everyone that gets to be warm everyday, meanwhile, we get to freeze over the winter. i decided that im moving to florida when im older. hands down. i despise cold weather so it is the perfect place for me. i dont think i could ever get tired of going to the beach. ever. i dont understand how everyone in college doesnt go every weekend because that is exactly what i would do. every saturday and sunday whenever i woke up i would just drive to the beach. okay well maybe not every because theres obviously the football games to go to and a pool right on campus but i would definately go alot more than my boyfriend and his friends do. they're so lucky to have that all year round! i mean im sure miami sucks when its raining and when they get hurricanes but that's only so often. im sure its nice to have a break from the heat and the sun every once in awhile. my roommate lives in miami and i am so jealous of her! i cant wait to go visit her over winter break! me and three of the other girls from my floor are going to live with her for a week and just go to the beach and the grove all week and its going to be ridiculously awesome. i can not wait for winter break just for that sole purpose. 
aside from my ranting about how much i loved miami, last night we went to the grove which is like our route one again and everything was so pretty and it was so much fun. we controlled the jukebox at one of the bars the whole night so we just sang random songs obnoxiously loudly and off key. its such a small world that one of my boyfriends friends went to high school with one of my best friends on my floor so we found that hysterical and laughed about it. we finally went back to campus at like 2 and didnt make it to bed until 3. robbie and i had to wake up at 6:45 to catch my flight at 8 so that was a terrible morning.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

my awesome weekend

so right now i am in gorgeous miami, florida at the university of miami visiting my amazing boyfriend. =) thursday night i ventured to the airport all by myself. this was the first time ive ever flown by myself. i feel so mature and grown up now that i can travel by myself. i took the bus and the metro all by myself all the way to DCA. i was able to find the terminal all by myself! when i landed in miami my boyfriend picked me up except i couldnt find him because the airport is huge! theres so many levels and millions of gates. we got back to his dorm room and i got to meet all of his friends from school for the first time. most of them live far from home so ive never met them before. they all turned out to be a really good group of guys who i like alot. thursday night we went out to the grove which is basically the equivalent of their "route one" except its alot bigger and its definately alot easier to get lost. also you have to take a cab or the "drunk bus" as they call it. its really annoying though miami is not very nice to visitors. visiters can not get on the drunk bus because they dont have a miami id. they also can not eat in the dining halls because they do not have a miami id. at maryland anyone can get on the buses and you can pay in the dining hall with a credit card or just put everything on one person's swipe. anyway the grove was fun. miami has a really fun nightlife. friday we slept until 3pm because we got back late the night before. when we finally got out of bed we went to the pool except it wasnt that sunny so we basically slept next to the pool. i was exhausted from traveling. friday night apparently no one goes out in miami because theyre recoverin from thursday night so i made robbie take me out to dinner. we walked to fridays which is pretty close to campus. it was nice to finally spend some one on one time with him after not seeing him for a month. after that we went to the movies with robbies friends. we saw role models. absolutely hysterical. go see it! it was so funny. i love sean william scott and i just discovered that i love paul rudd. they were hysterical together. by the time we got back from the movie it was already 12:30 so we decided to just hang out for the night. we went to bed by 2ish and we woke up at 11 to head to the beach today. of course by the time we went out for breakfast and drove the 20 min to the beach it was already almost 1pm. it was absolutely gorgeous at the beach. we went to the bay so the water was calm and there were palm trees everywhere. ugh it was so pretty i want to live here. one of the frats was having a party on the beach. thats absolutely ridiculous that they get to party on the beach! im so jealous! we came home from the beach at like 5 because the sun was already starting to set. i ate in the dining hall for the first time because i borrowed his roommates miami id. now were back at his dorm and i actually did all of my math homework and now im writing in my journal while watching all the college football games. i havent watched this much college football since ive gotten to college. we watched penn state lose which was an awesome game. then we watched alabama win in OT. and now wer watching texas tech and im hoping we'll get out of here before this game ends. i think were going back into the drove tonight which should be fun!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

wednesday is finally over

this has been the longest week of my life! i just wanted to get today over with. i had a huge bio test on monday and then a huge chem test today. im hoping that i did okay on both of them but im nervous because everyone seems to fail and then they "curve" it. just for once i would like to get a good grade on one test! is that really so much to ask for. aside from my henious tests, i dont know if thats the right word there but i had my conference with natalie today. i was surprised it was so positive. i was worried after not getting as good a grade as i would have liked on my first paper but she reassured me that i was doing just fine. hopefully thats another weight off my shoulders. im just getting sick of all of this work. it seems like all of my teachers got together and plotted against me and were like okay were going to give all the students all the work this week and then nothing next week. its nice that i can go to miami and have fun this weekend and not have to worry about work, but this past week i was on overload. i was angry i didnt have as much time as i would have liked to work on my english paper because i had so much other work/projects/studying to do. on top of that it was one of my best friends on my floor's birthday so the night before my bio exam we went out to dc to go out to dinner which took over 3 hours so i lost out on valuable studying time. i felt bad it was her birthday i couldnt say no. then as if things couldnt get any worse, my chem test was the day after the election! obviously my whole floor was loud and yelling and my family was calling and my friends from home were calling. apparently in new york city there was massive screaming and partying in the streets. i wish i was there! it must have been so cool. my best friend from home called and said the cops were baracading the roads because there was so many people running in the streets after the announced obama won. i was a big obama fan so i was pretty happy myself =] i decided to celebrate for awhile then ended up staying up until 2am studying. now its about time i catch up on some sleep!

Monday, November 3, 2008

just a day..just an ordinary day

today was just another ordinary day at college park. i dont really have anything exciting to write about except for the fact that i cant wait to go to miami this weekend! im leaving thursday after my classes to visit my long lost boyfriend for the weekend. he goes to umiami and i havent seen him since he came to visit me a month ago. im so excited to finally spend time with him. were going to the beach friday. while i should be in class hehe. oh well i figured since we dont get any days off all year i can take one day off to go away for the weekend. english is cancelled in the morning and then im only missing bio which i never pay attention in anyway and one class of chemistry which ill probably have to just get the notes from someone. overall a day at the beach is worth missing one chem class. i cant wait to be in the warm sand and going in the ocean! ahh im so excited. i miss summer and the beach so much. but anyway friday night were going out to dinner. i dont know where yet i dont really care ill just be happy to be in the warm weather. saturday ill probably lay out by the pool while the boyfriend watches football all day. maybe ill drag him with me anyway hehe. then saturday night we might go out in south beach or the grove depending on whats easier. probably the grove since apparently south beach is far away. this is the first time im visiting robbie at school so im excited to finally see his campus. i heard its absolutely gorgeous and theres a big lake in the middle of it. instead of having a mall he has a lake. how is that fair? well atleast our mall is pretty. alot of our friend's schools are absolutely hideous. our campus is so pretty! but he insists his is better and its hard to argue with 90 degree weather, palm trees, and a giant lake. this week feels like its going to drag on forever because i cant wait for thursday! atleast one day is already over. i had a bio test today. thank god that's over. now i just have to get through my chem test and my week is basically over. wednesday better come soon! 

Sunday, November 2, 2008


another lazy sunday - well not for me. i was up early this morning at 9am after going to bed at 3am. i was good and stayed in last night and did my work since i knew that i would get nothing accomplished today. my friends went out though and came home at 2 just as i was heading to sleep so of course i had to stay up with them for a little. alot of them were refusing to go to sleep. i wonder why. haha. they were all in rare form to say the least. i finally got to sleep only to wake up in the middle of the night to turn my clocks back because i was paranoid i wouldnt wake up for softball in the morning. i kept waking up to look at the time. waking up at 9 was nice since for previous tournaments we had to get up at 7. the games were fun. we played navy who was REALLY good. they were all jacked and huge muscular girls who were quite intimidating. we found out that they dont have a varsity team so everyone whose really into softball plays on the club team so theyre alot better than us. i DHed the first game and we played comeptitively. i walked on four straight pitches my first at bat. i was so mad. i hate walking without even getting in a swing. i was surprised their pitchers werent very good. i had a single my second at bat. we scored alot of runs but we ended up losing. the second game i didnt play in. we wound up getting mercied anyway so i was kind of happy i didnt playin that one. i hate losing. the third game i played third. got walked had a hit grounded out and flied out. but my last at bat was special to say the least. it was bottom of the 8th with one out and bases loaded down by one. all i needed to do was get a hit. of course i hit a long fly ball but the outfielders were playing deep and she caught it. the runner on third tagged up and scored and the runner on second ran to third. so it was first and third with the ball still in right field. the girl on first took off for second to distract the fielders from the runner on third. she dove into second under the tag and pummeled the fielder allowing the runner on third to score and we wont the game. it was the most ridiculous game of my life. it was hysterical how we won. i couldnt  believe we won. it was just such weird circumstances. i was so happy though we beat navy atleast in one game. it sucks losing three in a row. terrible terrible terrible. atleast now im in a good mood even though i have to go study for my bio test for the next 5 hours. joy.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

le weekend

halloween is by far my favorite holiday. theres tons of candy. yum. and you get to dress up and pretend to be something your not. i think its so funny to see people dressed up in things they can never really be. you can never really be tony the tiger, or jesus, or i actually say someone dressed up as a "douchebag". he labeled himself douche and was wearing a bag. why you would ever want to be that i dont know but i just thought that was funny. if you think about what some people pick to be its like why would you ever want to be that? last year i was a surgeon because i actually want to be one when i get older. everyone was like what? you actually want to be a surgeon? i was like um yeah thats kind of my goal in life. my roommate was a taxi driver. her costume was so cute and everyone loved it but who aspires to be a taxi driver? obviously she doesnt really want to be one. shes not here to fulfill her education to become a taxi driver. i guess its all for fun anyway. and i love how in college halloween is a full weekend. its not just a one day thing - it an entire weekend affair. we went to a huge party at KA thurs night, then went to delta sig last night. and were probably going somewhere else which we'll find randomly tonight. last night was hysterical. as halloween usually is. everyone was dressed up so funny. im impressed alot of the boys went all out. in high school my guy friends never dressed up. none of them were brave enough to. it was always the girls that dressed up and took full advantage of the halloween. like the means girls quote says "halloween is the one night of the year a girl can dress like a slut and no one can say anything about it" or something along those lines. everyone took full advantage of that last night. definately. haha.