Friday, October 17, 2008

weekenddd finally

so its 5:30 and i just got back from class an hour ago. i had so many review sessions today it was ridiculous! i have my first chem lab midterm next week so i went to a review for it today and it sounds so hard. i heard that everyone bombs it and theres a huge curve because its so hard. no one understands the concepts were learning im convinced. everyone gets how to do the labs but when you get down to the molecular concepts everyone is completely lost. and ive just realized that im failing biology. great. but i have a feeling im not doing that horrible compared to the whole class so im not all that worried yet. whatever. im doing all my work. just one test completely killed my grade. and i need to learn how to write a lab report. theyre so hard! i already dont want to write it and i havent even started yet. researching selenestrum is not exactly my idea of fun. i also have to write this english paper. atleast the topic im writing about im interested in so its not too torturous. im hoping to find out some interesting information. i also hope that my research topic isnt too farfetched from my original paper. i guess ill have to go to office hours. 
thank goodness the weekend is finally here. im so sick of doing work even though saturday night i have to stay in to do work because i have a club softball tournament sunday and i have no time to get anything done! anyway im going to maryland madness tonight which im hoping will be fun. im hearing mixed things. everyone is telling me that i have to go but that its not that much fun. i dont understand why i have to go if its not fun but whatever my friends want to go so i figured i would go anyway. afterword we'll probably head down to the frats. ive heard of some smaller parties going on tonight so i guess we'll head there. unfortunately we have to wake up early tomorrow for the football game. i dont know if im gonna make it to any of the tailgates. i might just sleep until kickoff. 12 is entirely too early on a saturday! what happened to all of these 4pm and night games? i like the sound of those much better. then i can sleep until my usual 2pm..tailgate..and go. i hope theres some later scheduled games coming up soon. ill have to check the schedule. i also hope i have time for a nap or something saturday after the game or im going to be extremely cranky saturday night. i have so much work to get done! and for some reason everything is due next tuesday. i have like 5 assignments due its really weird. and i still have to get a halloween costume! ah i cant even remember to get everything done!

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