Thursday, October 16, 2008


oh my goodness. making your own schedule is so hard. in high school my guidance counselor always did it for us. the computer seemed to know everything and there was a significant number of less classes to chose from and what periods they were offered. now that im off in college im a big girl now and i can make my own schedule. so i thought before i looked at that list. getting all of my labs and discussions to fit into a schedule that wont drive me crazy is ridiculously harder than i thought. i want to take spanish next semester since i want to minor in it and i keep hearing all of these scary rumors that no one ever gets into the spanish classes they want to take and it is impossible to get into enough classes. another thing im afraid of is that im going to have to wake up at 8am everyday in order to take the classes i want. i have come to realize that my body simply does not function properly this early in the morning and taking two 8am labs this semester was not the greatest of my ideas. the schedule i planned for myself on paper looks good - but getting into all of these classes is going to be a challenge. i managed to only take one 8am class this semester if i can make this schedule work and the other days i dont start until 11. this would be beneficial because i function better in the afternoons. i am also able to be done with clases by 3 everyday so i can leave time to workout and for my sports and extracurricular activities, etc. i want to be able to have some sort of a life. atleast next semester im getting 16 credits taking only 4 classes because all of my labs count as credits. i guess that works out to benefit me. im hoping that with my 9 credits from high school and 2 extra ones that im taking this year that after next year i will be able to be a full semester ahead. this way some semesters i can take three 4 credit classes instead of taking atleast 4 classes every semester. im a bio major and the labs get extremely time consuming so im hoping to knock these out now along with my CORES that way junior and senior year i can focus on the harder classes. im just so paranoid about not getting into the classes that i need/want to take. i cant wait until this is all over!


Anonymous said...

I think the best part about your analysis is based on the fact that it's on an article that doesn't support your position, which allows you to examine the other side of your argument. You hit the point of the assignment with establishing the style of the article in the very first paragraph, smoothly transitioning into the appeals. You also managed to talk about the stasis, and even tried to figure out the Jurisdiction. Overall, good job!

Kim said...

way to comment on the wrong post alex =]