Tuesday, October 28, 2008


so i just got out of bio lab an hour early. this was a good thing since i was falling asleep. we did some weird experiment where we had to throw cards at the other team and put our two cards together and we get points and lost points depending on which card we picked. we were supposed to strategize but my team randomly picked cards and we ended up winning. that was entertaining for the first round but then after we did it 8 times we were kind of like enough is enough. then when we were done with that we answered question then had to watch a video about meerkats. im sorry but meerkats are cute but their lives are just not that interesting. it would have been one thing if it was a 5 minute video but it was like a 30 minute detailed video on the intricacies of meerkat life. i decided i want a pet meerkat. except i would have to get a colony of them. and i dont think i could house 20 meerkats. plus they live in africa so i dont think they could survive up here. maybe ill move to africa when im older. just kidding. ive always wanted some strange weird pet that no one else has. i think eventually im going to get a toucan. ive always wanted one since the pet store near my house has always had one. that can be my strange and interesting pet. now im just babbling on because im extremely bored. im sitting in the armory waiting for my math class to start in another 15 minutes. thats the problem when classes get out at different times - you dont know where to go or what to do. i already got coffee for once before class so i couldnt even stop to get coffee or food. the rest of my day is not going to be fun. i have uNIV100, then chem discussion, softball practice, and RHA. ill be home by 9 tonight if im lucky. and i have to miss 90210! im not sure if its new. i hope its not.

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