Wednesday, October 8, 2008

brrrr its cold outside

fall is in the air and i am not a big fan at all. although i might be from new york, i am NOT a cold weather person. i was hoping it wouldnt get as cold in maryland as it does in new york but i fear that i am under a misconception. the mornings are getting cold! atleast its been warm all through september and into the beginning of november. wow its almost mid november already - i didn't even realize it. if only it could stay warm all year round that would be amazing. i am absolutely dreading my walks to english in susquehana in the freezing cold of december. i live in easton which is literally the farthest end of campus. walking is going to be horrible! as long as its not snowing. i was told that in maryland we get alot of black ice and professors cancel classes alot because the roads are so slippery. im hoping that people werent exagerating and this is actually true. that would be really nice because i guarantee that one day i fall on black ice. that would happen to me. im gonna have to get some real boots other than uggs haha. im so used to running from my car into my high school. im not used to walking in the cold at all. in the winter i would just wear a sweatshirt and sweatpants everyday and not worry about freezing in the cold. now im going to have to wear layers when i trek a mile to class in the freezing cold. i should probably invest in some gloves, a hat, scarf, and all that good stuff. im going to be so upset when i have to put my flipflops away for the winter =[ ..and my shorts and bathing suits and tank tops. this is so depressing. going out is going to be so annoying in the cold. what do we do with our jackets when we go out? most likely everyone will lose theirs. i was told you need to have a "Bar jacket" which is basically an old, disgusting jacket that you dont care if you lose or ruin or spill alcohol on..luckily i talked my mom into buying me a new northface so i guess thats what my old one will serve as this winter until i lose it. i cant imagine for the rude awakening all of my friends from miami are going to be in when it gets cold out. they think the world is ending if its 55 degrees in florida. i cant wait until its like -10 and i can make fun of them. my roommates from miami and she doesnt even own a pair of uggs! in new york thats completely unheard of. literally every single person i know has atleast one pair. she doesnt even have any winter clothes its so funny. she has like one sweatshirt and one pair or sweatpants..her parents are coming this weekend and bringing her all the warm clothes she has and taking her shopping. i should probably go shopping too or im going to freeze as well. i hope my parents bring me lots of clothes this weekend! 

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