Thursday, October 30, 2008

laundary is evil

im sitting in my laundry room right now. i just put up four loads. i dont know if theres anything in the world i hate more than laundry and ive only been doing it for two months. theres no way i can do this the rest of my life. or for a family for that matter. its just so boring. atleast while im waiting for the next hour for everything to dry i can get some of my work done. thats the only good part about laundary. its forcing me to do my homework. if not i would die of sheer boredom from waiting here in this dark, dreary room. ive tried going back up to my room while i was waiting for the dryer to stop but evil people mess with my laundary. once someone took my clothes out of the dryer when they had only been in there for like 15 minutes because they wanted to use it. that is downright wrong. seriously wait for the dryer like everyone else. you cant steal a dryer - it's a little obvious that you stole it. i kind of new that there was no way possible for my 60 minute dryer to be done in twenty minutes. and then if you're not there exactly when your laundry finishes - people just pull it out of the machine for you like their doing you a favor. no, losing half of my clothes is not doing me a favor. i only have so many clothes with me at college so i would like to keep all of them if possible. some people just forget that their laundry is there entirely. my roommate left hers there for four days. she was like where did all my clothes go? who keeps stealing my clothes?! she thought someone actually stole them. well finally someone suggested why doesnt she check the laundary room? low and behold there was a bag with all of her missing clothes in them. and i love the guys that are afraid to touch the girls clothes like they think its "wrong" or something. once i had a guy ask me to remove the clothes from one of the dryers so he could use it because he didnt want to touch girls clothes. i was like seriously? how old are you? if you want the dryer you can take the clothes out. he freaked out like i was telling him something totally absurd. ugh laundry is such a nuisance. i hope i dont have to do any more laundry for another month!

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