Monday, October 6, 2008

today my favorite part of the day was abruptly cut short. my friend liza frantically approached me as i was rowing and exclaimed "its 8:57 were gonna miss one tree hill!" i was forced to immediately drop what i was doing and sprint back to the room. as we rush through the door we see all of our friends sitting in my room staring at the screen. "whatd we miss?" we exclaim. "uhhh theres no new episode on tonight guys" replied my roommate, elise. i was so angry! i cut my workout short and raced home for nothing! it was all a waste. i hate tv. you can never count on it to always be there for you. the elliptical and the track; however, will always be there for me. i can count on them. yes im one of those losers who loves to run and sing obnoxiously to my ipod even though i cant sing to save my life. anyway i was too lazy to walk all the way back to the gym after we walked all the way back to easton so i wasted that hour talking and laughing with my four best friends who live in my room. were overly obsessed with each other obviously..then the hills was on at 10:00 and i decided that it mirrors my high school life exactly. its actually scary. i think i am the real LC. whoever reads this is gonna be like okay this girls a psycho but i sware the same exact situations all happened to me. its really weird. so im kind of becoming obsessed with this show. yes my life is pathetic i know. and now im watching the angels v red sox game. and the angels just tied it up in the bottom of the so excited. this is awesome. i will be so unbelievably happy if they win tonight and even the series. now i have an excuse to stay up till the game ends and can procrastinate from doing my bio lab for even longer. nice! im gonna go watch the end! 

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