Sunday, October 19, 2008

weekend recap

so this weekend was entertaining to say the least. thursday night was a complete bust. some kid called my friend to tell us to come to an aepi party so we hop on the orange bus and get to route one. we call him and he tells us he doesnt know where the party is. we aimlessly walk around for fifteen minutes until were like forget this call him again. he didnt answer. so we think he lied and there really was no party he just wanted to see my friend haha. so we went back to the dorm for another uneventful night. friday night was much better however. we headed out intending to go to the wrestling party - except that turned out to be saturday night not friday. we stumbled upon a cowboys and indians party at sig nu. you were supposed to have tickets but your friend knew someone inside so we all got in. it was pretty awesome. there was a blacklight and music and you know the rest. there was even a huge thing of hay against the wall which we danced on top of. oh and cant forget about my roommate getting on the bar and dancing while she was completely sober. gotta love her. at one point the fire alarm went off and i was split up from all the girls. i found one of the guys that lives on my floor and we ran outside. all of a sudden you see hundreds of kids running out of the house. so i call my friends to make sure they got out - and theyre like nah were not leaving were staying inside. so heaven forbid there really was a fire my genious friends would have been inside dancing. luckily it was a false alarm and it happened two more times that night. its all good. i ended up having a heart to heart with the guy from my floor because were both from new york so it was pretty entertaining. were the only ones who call dominoes and say "hi can i get a pie?" and they respond with "what? we dont make pies here!" and we both miss new york bagels..alot..the bagels just arent the same eventually we found my friends again..and we added some random boys to the group. typical. we made it home at about maybe 3am after a random stop to cvs. long night. woke up saturday morning at 1130 just in time for the football game. tailgating was not an option then. my friend and i decided we wanted to go to the diner to get food first since we felt terrible and we wound up not making it until the third quarter when my friends had already left. we came back to the dorm and collapsed and slept for a few hours until we realized we had to race to the diner if we wanted to eat since it was already 645. i didnt go out saturday night since i had to wake up at 7am this morning. my friends got ready and i curled my friends hair and it stayed and it looked so good and i was so proud of myself haha. working in a salon finally paid off. so as my friends went out to party, i watched the rays vs boston game and was miserable the whole night after boston won. tried to do my work and my laundary but that didnt go very well. i kinda half assed everything because i was so tired. i went to sleep at like 2ish except then my roommate and my friends came back at 3 and woke me up so i wound up staying up until 4am. i had to wake up at 7am for softball. i played away at delaware today. it was FREEZING out and i was absolutely miserable. i got hit 3 times in my 6 at bats today. i had a 5/6 obp even though i got hbp 3 times and ran out a strikeout once and then finally got a hit. club softball is very entertaining. nothing like travel or varsity haha. and now im back at campus. with a horrible cold and im pretty sure i have a fever. and i have a ridiculous amount of work to get done. great i cant wait for tonight. its gonna be so much fun. and if the rays lose again tonight. things are going to be UGLY.

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