Monday, October 27, 2008

uh oh

so for some reason for the past 6 days i forgot about my blog. so i guess im posting everyday this week to make up for it. thats really weird i have no idea why i randomly forgot about it. i guess because i was so busy this weekend! friday night one of my friends from home came to visit and ended up sleeping over. saturday was the homecoming game. obviously slept until like 12 then woke up and didnt feel like moving. we ended up being late to the football game because we just didnt feel like moving. my other friend ilana came saturday morning from her school. she goes to udel. my friend emily, the one who was here friday night, left saturday morning so they just missed each other by a half hour. it was kind of ironic since they both know each other. so i took ilana to the homecoming game. it was nice to finally see someone from home! they were the first of my friends to come visit because im so far from home. im the farthest south out of all of my friends. which is sad because im not even very far down south at all. everyone else went up north to the state schools in new york. after the game i went out to eat with ilanas cousin whose a sophomore here and her friend. we discovered a new food place called the jungle. its right off campus and has really good food. we came back and got ready as fast as possible. we met her cousin at the knox towers at some pre game that was really awkward because we didnt know anyone there. then we decided to just go to route one. aka turtle. we had fun. danced. lost all my friends. typical. ilana and i found her friends from delaware who she came with and ended up dancing with them since i lost all my friends to boys. eventually we found each other when turtle closed and we basically got kicked out. we went back to the dorms and sat in the lounge and ate. as usual. its clearly what we do best. then went to sleep and didnt realize i didnt set my alarm to get up for softball in the morning. my friend knocked on my door asking if i was ready to go and i was still in bed. i felt bad making her and everyone wait for me because i knew there was no way i was getting there in time so i just said i was sick since i felt like shit to begin with. and i had to write a paper. and i never get any sleep ugh. why is waking up early so hard in college. and im always sick! so annoying. 

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