Wednesday, October 29, 2008


okay i was complaining about the weather before, except now its absolutely freezing. wind is not my friend. wind is evil. wind gets us all sick and freezes our toes. wind is so annoying its unbelievable. walking from class to class is now a royal pain. before i didnt mind all the walking at all. now that its disgustingly cold every morning its becoming more and more painful. i think once it snows i might just stop going to class since im probably going to end up getting sick. i always get sick once it starts snowing. i hate it. the first snow or two is fun and after that its just miserable. 
im waiting for my chemistry class to start and im contemplating not going to bio because i dont want to walk in the cold. i want to run back to my dorm which is also like 1000 miles away from all of my classes so my walk home is going to be terrible too. i dont even want to go to the gym anymore because the weather is just that horrible that i dont want to go outside. im not even that far away from the gym but its pointless to get bundled up to walk to the gym and then go inside and sweat and carry around all your layers of clothes. ugh i hate winter so much!
 the wind whistling in our lounge last night was downright scary. i was trying to study/ work on my english paper and all i heard was the wind whistling. i guess its because im on the sixth floor which is pretty high up. i cant imagine what its like on the eighth floor. no one else could concentrate on their work in the lounge either. i went back into my room but i could still hear the wind. my room is like 100 degrees for some reason and we cant open the window because then we hear the wind all night and we start to freeze. we just cant win with this weather game. 

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