Wednesday, October 1, 2008

stupid stupid computers

i officially hate how in college everything is on the computer. im so pissed because i was busy all day today so i didnt have time to do my chem pre lab. so i just went on the computer to complete it because my lab is tomorrow, and it wouldnt let me open the file. now why wouldnt it let me open the file? i dont have class until 8am tomorrow so why shouldnt i be allowed to complete my pre lab at 1am if i want to? how come in math because its written i can complete my math hw at 9am when its due at 11am? people say computers help so much meanwhile i hate doing all my assignments on the computer. like yeah obviously typing papers and writing in a blog like this is appropriate for the computer but doing my chemistry homework with all the calculations is a royal pain in the you know what..why cant i show my work and hand in my homework so i can get partial credit..half the time the computer grades it wrong when its right is to all of the student's advantages to be able to hand in work..all of my professors have their TA's grade the tests and homeworks anyway so whats the difference whether we do it manually..we should get to chose which we feel more comfortable with..especially in bio my teacher puts quizzes up on ELMS and only makes them available for one day..what if your really busy that day? what if your traveling on a plane somewhere? waht if youre deathly ill? and on top of this you only get one attempt at friend's computer froze and shut off after she opened it so she emailed the teacher to ask if she could try again and she said nope too bad..luckily she drops your two lowest grades but that is really unfair because she didnt even recieve a chance to try it..and in chem i dont think they even drop any of your grades so i just got completely screwed over by time..i cant control time..theres only so many hours in a day that i can get things done in..i still have 10 million other assignments to do..i guess apparently chemistry has to come first from now on since it has to be completed by a certain time..ugh im just so frustrated its one thing if you get things wrong and you dont understand something but its so frustrating when your losing valuable points for no apparent reason

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