Monday, October 13, 2008


well im making this one short because blogger just deleted the entire novel i just wrote..

basically life is sucking right now. i never want to go home again. all these terrible things keep happening. it all started three months ago, july 12th when my boyfriend, robbie's, friend brandon was killed in a car accident. he wasnt wearing a seatbelt in a car moving upwards of 90mph that flipped over. the 3 month anniversary of his death was yesterday. yesterday morning robbie texted me to tell me that his other friend brandon's dad died in a motorcycle accident earlier in the morning. he was not particularly close with this brandon but they had grown up together and hung out occasionally. to make matters worse, brandon's best friend nick is studying abroad in europe and his family doesnt want to tell him that brandon's dad died because they dont want him to feel compelled to come home for the funeral, which he obviously would want to do. this is such a horrible situation in itself. on top of that another of robbie's friend's dads was just diagnosed with lung cancer. robbie was upset by all of this but theres nothing he can really do since hes in florida at school. as if that wasnt enough horrible events for one day, late that night he receives a call that his cousin was in a head on collision and was rushed to the hospital. thankfully he was okay and he returned home this morning. the doctors told him he was lucky he was wearing his seatbelt or he wouldn't be alive right now. a creepy chill ran through my spine when he said that. i knew it was the three month anniversary of brandon's death. perhaps he was his guardian angel. thats a good way of thinking of a terrible situation. im afraid to go home now, bad things are happening to everyone i know. i think my town is cursed. robbie and i went to different high schools and were in different grades even though we live in the same town and have completely different groups of friends. however, we have both had our fair share of horrible instances happening to those we love the most. my dad graduated from my high school thirty years earlier and he said the same thing happened when he was in school. many of his friends died in weird ways at young ages. i really think our town is cursed when it comes to these matters. we have experienced more horrible things in the last four months since we graduated than we did in the past four years of high school. 

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