Thursday, October 30, 2008

laundary is evil

im sitting in my laundry room right now. i just put up four loads. i dont know if theres anything in the world i hate more than laundry and ive only been doing it for two months. theres no way i can do this the rest of my life. or for a family for that matter. its just so boring. atleast while im waiting for the next hour for everything to dry i can get some of my work done. thats the only good part about laundary. its forcing me to do my homework. if not i would die of sheer boredom from waiting here in this dark, dreary room. ive tried going back up to my room while i was waiting for the dryer to stop but evil people mess with my laundary. once someone took my clothes out of the dryer when they had only been in there for like 15 minutes because they wanted to use it. that is downright wrong. seriously wait for the dryer like everyone else. you cant steal a dryer - it's a little obvious that you stole it. i kind of new that there was no way possible for my 60 minute dryer to be done in twenty minutes. and then if you're not there exactly when your laundry finishes - people just pull it out of the machine for you like their doing you a favor. no, losing half of my clothes is not doing me a favor. i only have so many clothes with me at college so i would like to keep all of them if possible. some people just forget that their laundry is there entirely. my roommate left hers there for four days. she was like where did all my clothes go? who keeps stealing my clothes?! she thought someone actually stole them. well finally someone suggested why doesnt she check the laundary room? low and behold there was a bag with all of her missing clothes in them. and i love the guys that are afraid to touch the girls clothes like they think its "wrong" or something. once i had a guy ask me to remove the clothes from one of the dryers so he could use it because he didnt want to touch girls clothes. i was like seriously? how old are you? if you want the dryer you can take the clothes out. he freaked out like i was telling him something totally absurd. ugh laundry is such a nuisance. i hope i dont have to do any more laundry for another month!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


okay i was complaining about the weather before, except now its absolutely freezing. wind is not my friend. wind is evil. wind gets us all sick and freezes our toes. wind is so annoying its unbelievable. walking from class to class is now a royal pain. before i didnt mind all the walking at all. now that its disgustingly cold every morning its becoming more and more painful. i think once it snows i might just stop going to class since im probably going to end up getting sick. i always get sick once it starts snowing. i hate it. the first snow or two is fun and after that its just miserable. 
im waiting for my chemistry class to start and im contemplating not going to bio because i dont want to walk in the cold. i want to run back to my dorm which is also like 1000 miles away from all of my classes so my walk home is going to be terrible too. i dont even want to go to the gym anymore because the weather is just that horrible that i dont want to go outside. im not even that far away from the gym but its pointless to get bundled up to walk to the gym and then go inside and sweat and carry around all your layers of clothes. ugh i hate winter so much!
 the wind whistling in our lounge last night was downright scary. i was trying to study/ work on my english paper and all i heard was the wind whistling. i guess its because im on the sixth floor which is pretty high up. i cant imagine what its like on the eighth floor. no one else could concentrate on their work in the lounge either. i went back into my room but i could still hear the wind. my room is like 100 degrees for some reason and we cant open the window because then we hear the wind all night and we start to freeze. we just cant win with this weather game. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


so i just got out of bio lab an hour early. this was a good thing since i was falling asleep. we did some weird experiment where we had to throw cards at the other team and put our two cards together and we get points and lost points depending on which card we picked. we were supposed to strategize but my team randomly picked cards and we ended up winning. that was entertaining for the first round but then after we did it 8 times we were kind of like enough is enough. then when we were done with that we answered question then had to watch a video about meerkats. im sorry but meerkats are cute but their lives are just not that interesting. it would have been one thing if it was a 5 minute video but it was like a 30 minute detailed video on the intricacies of meerkat life. i decided i want a pet meerkat. except i would have to get a colony of them. and i dont think i could house 20 meerkats. plus they live in africa so i dont think they could survive up here. maybe ill move to africa when im older. just kidding. ive always wanted some strange weird pet that no one else has. i think eventually im going to get a toucan. ive always wanted one since the pet store near my house has always had one. that can be my strange and interesting pet. now im just babbling on because im extremely bored. im sitting in the armory waiting for my math class to start in another 15 minutes. thats the problem when classes get out at different times - you dont know where to go or what to do. i already got coffee for once before class so i couldnt even stop to get coffee or food. the rest of my day is not going to be fun. i have uNIV100, then chem discussion, softball practice, and RHA. ill be home by 9 tonight if im lucky. and i have to miss 90210! im not sure if its new. i hope its not.

Monday, October 27, 2008

uh oh

so for some reason for the past 6 days i forgot about my blog. so i guess im posting everyday this week to make up for it. thats really weird i have no idea why i randomly forgot about it. i guess because i was so busy this weekend! friday night one of my friends from home came to visit and ended up sleeping over. saturday was the homecoming game. obviously slept until like 12 then woke up and didnt feel like moving. we ended up being late to the football game because we just didnt feel like moving. my other friend ilana came saturday morning from her school. she goes to udel. my friend emily, the one who was here friday night, left saturday morning so they just missed each other by a half hour. it was kind of ironic since they both know each other. so i took ilana to the homecoming game. it was nice to finally see someone from home! they were the first of my friends to come visit because im so far from home. im the farthest south out of all of my friends. which is sad because im not even very far down south at all. everyone else went up north to the state schools in new york. after the game i went out to eat with ilanas cousin whose a sophomore here and her friend. we discovered a new food place called the jungle. its right off campus and has really good food. we came back and got ready as fast as possible. we met her cousin at the knox towers at some pre game that was really awkward because we didnt know anyone there. then we decided to just go to route one. aka turtle. we had fun. danced. lost all my friends. typical. ilana and i found her friends from delaware who she came with and ended up dancing with them since i lost all my friends to boys. eventually we found each other when turtle closed and we basically got kicked out. we went back to the dorms and sat in the lounge and ate. as usual. its clearly what we do best. then went to sleep and didnt realize i didnt set my alarm to get up for softball in the morning. my friend knocked on my door asking if i was ready to go and i was still in bed. i felt bad making her and everyone wait for me because i knew there was no way i was getting there in time so i just said i was sick since i felt like shit to begin with. and i had to write a paper. and i never get any sleep ugh. why is waking up early so hard in college. and im always sick! so annoying. 

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

booo being sick

being sick at college is terrible. obviously the first day it gets cold out i would get sick. my roommate and i both strangely came down with fevers sunday night, so we were both miserable. we loaded up on cold meds and whatever else we could find and attempted to pass out early. but of course everyone was loud in the hallway and screaming and yelling and what not. and obviously it was our best friends who were making the most noise so we felt bad yelling at them. surprisingly i felt better when i woke up monday morning so i went to all my classes and then even went to the gym. unfortunately then i wound up staying up until 3am completing all of the homework that i couldnt finish sunday night because i was sick - then i had to wake up at 7am for my bio lab this morning. it was terrible. four hours of sleep is the worst idea ever. today i had a full day of classes 8am through 420 then had to go to softball then my chem review. awful! and i was looking forward to relaxing and watching 90210 tonight..but it wasnt even new! im so angry we all sat down to watch and were really excited and it was a repeat! it was so depressing. i came home and was so exhausted i decided im boycotting homework tonight and just going to sleep. tomorrow is going to be dedicated to studying for my chemistry. i have a lab report, pre lab, and midterm thursday so my life is going to be chemistry tomorrow. then thursday is going to be dedicated to writing my english rough draft since ive barely started and finishing all of my bio assignments that are due friday. friday is all of my other homework that is due monday. ugh and its homecoming weekend so two of my best friends from home are coming!  i cant wait to see them! and i have a softball tournament away at loyola sunday so i have no time to get anything done! this is going to be a tricky weekend trying to get everything done. im going to have to be super efficient the rest of this week. this should be interesting.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

weekend recap

so this weekend was entertaining to say the least. thursday night was a complete bust. some kid called my friend to tell us to come to an aepi party so we hop on the orange bus and get to route one. we call him and he tells us he doesnt know where the party is. we aimlessly walk around for fifteen minutes until were like forget this call him again. he didnt answer. so we think he lied and there really was no party he just wanted to see my friend haha. so we went back to the dorm for another uneventful night. friday night was much better however. we headed out intending to go to the wrestling party - except that turned out to be saturday night not friday. we stumbled upon a cowboys and indians party at sig nu. you were supposed to have tickets but your friend knew someone inside so we all got in. it was pretty awesome. there was a blacklight and music and you know the rest. there was even a huge thing of hay against the wall which we danced on top of. oh and cant forget about my roommate getting on the bar and dancing while she was completely sober. gotta love her. at one point the fire alarm went off and i was split up from all the girls. i found one of the guys that lives on my floor and we ran outside. all of a sudden you see hundreds of kids running out of the house. so i call my friends to make sure they got out - and theyre like nah were not leaving were staying inside. so heaven forbid there really was a fire my genious friends would have been inside dancing. luckily it was a false alarm and it happened two more times that night. its all good. i ended up having a heart to heart with the guy from my floor because were both from new york so it was pretty entertaining. were the only ones who call dominoes and say "hi can i get a pie?" and they respond with "what? we dont make pies here!" and we both miss new york bagels..alot..the bagels just arent the same eventually we found my friends again..and we added some random boys to the group. typical. we made it home at about maybe 3am after a random stop to cvs. long night. woke up saturday morning at 1130 just in time for the football game. tailgating was not an option then. my friend and i decided we wanted to go to the diner to get food first since we felt terrible and we wound up not making it until the third quarter when my friends had already left. we came back to the dorm and collapsed and slept for a few hours until we realized we had to race to the diner if we wanted to eat since it was already 645. i didnt go out saturday night since i had to wake up at 7am this morning. my friends got ready and i curled my friends hair and it stayed and it looked so good and i was so proud of myself haha. working in a salon finally paid off. so as my friends went out to party, i watched the rays vs boston game and was miserable the whole night after boston won. tried to do my work and my laundary but that didnt go very well. i kinda half assed everything because i was so tired. i went to sleep at like 2ish except then my roommate and my friends came back at 3 and woke me up so i wound up staying up until 4am. i had to wake up at 7am for softball. i played away at delaware today. it was FREEZING out and i was absolutely miserable. i got hit 3 times in my 6 at bats today. i had a 5/6 obp even though i got hbp 3 times and ran out a strikeout once and then finally got a hit. club softball is very entertaining. nothing like travel or varsity haha. and now im back at campus. with a horrible cold and im pretty sure i have a fever. and i have a ridiculous amount of work to get done. great i cant wait for tonight. its gonna be so much fun. and if the rays lose again tonight. things are going to be UGLY.

Friday, October 17, 2008

weekenddd finally

so its 5:30 and i just got back from class an hour ago. i had so many review sessions today it was ridiculous! i have my first chem lab midterm next week so i went to a review for it today and it sounds so hard. i heard that everyone bombs it and theres a huge curve because its so hard. no one understands the concepts were learning im convinced. everyone gets how to do the labs but when you get down to the molecular concepts everyone is completely lost. and ive just realized that im failing biology. great. but i have a feeling im not doing that horrible compared to the whole class so im not all that worried yet. whatever. im doing all my work. just one test completely killed my grade. and i need to learn how to write a lab report. theyre so hard! i already dont want to write it and i havent even started yet. researching selenestrum is not exactly my idea of fun. i also have to write this english paper. atleast the topic im writing about im interested in so its not too torturous. im hoping to find out some interesting information. i also hope that my research topic isnt too farfetched from my original paper. i guess ill have to go to office hours. 
thank goodness the weekend is finally here. im so sick of doing work even though saturday night i have to stay in to do work because i have a club softball tournament sunday and i have no time to get anything done! anyway im going to maryland madness tonight which im hoping will be fun. im hearing mixed things. everyone is telling me that i have to go but that its not that much fun. i dont understand why i have to go if its not fun but whatever my friends want to go so i figured i would go anyway. afterword we'll probably head down to the frats. ive heard of some smaller parties going on tonight so i guess we'll head there. unfortunately we have to wake up early tomorrow for the football game. i dont know if im gonna make it to any of the tailgates. i might just sleep until kickoff. 12 is entirely too early on a saturday! what happened to all of these 4pm and night games? i like the sound of those much better. then i can sleep until my usual 2pm..tailgate..and go. i hope theres some later scheduled games coming up soon. ill have to check the schedule. i also hope i have time for a nap or something saturday after the game or im going to be extremely cranky saturday night. i have so much work to get done! and for some reason everything is due next tuesday. i have like 5 assignments due its really weird. and i still have to get a halloween costume! ah i cant even remember to get everything done!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


oh my goodness. making your own schedule is so hard. in high school my guidance counselor always did it for us. the computer seemed to know everything and there was a significant number of less classes to chose from and what periods they were offered. now that im off in college im a big girl now and i can make my own schedule. so i thought before i looked at that list. getting all of my labs and discussions to fit into a schedule that wont drive me crazy is ridiculously harder than i thought. i want to take spanish next semester since i want to minor in it and i keep hearing all of these scary rumors that no one ever gets into the spanish classes they want to take and it is impossible to get into enough classes. another thing im afraid of is that im going to have to wake up at 8am everyday in order to take the classes i want. i have come to realize that my body simply does not function properly this early in the morning and taking two 8am labs this semester was not the greatest of my ideas. the schedule i planned for myself on paper looks good - but getting into all of these classes is going to be a challenge. i managed to only take one 8am class this semester if i can make this schedule work and the other days i dont start until 11. this would be beneficial because i function better in the afternoons. i am also able to be done with clases by 3 everyday so i can leave time to workout and for my sports and extracurricular activities, etc. i want to be able to have some sort of a life. atleast next semester im getting 16 credits taking only 4 classes because all of my labs count as credits. i guess that works out to benefit me. im hoping that with my 9 credits from high school and 2 extra ones that im taking this year that after next year i will be able to be a full semester ahead. this way some semesters i can take three 4 credit classes instead of taking atleast 4 classes every semester. im a bio major and the labs get extremely time consuming so im hoping to knock these out now along with my CORES that way junior and senior year i can focus on the harder classes. im just so paranoid about not getting into the classes that i need/want to take. i cant wait until this is all over!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Rhetorical Analysis #2

Although this article essentially disagrees with what I want to argue, (that sports are healthy for women), it is important to see both sides of the issue and this article particularly caught my eye. The article comes from a science journal so it uses cold, hard facts to prove it’s point. This article is written in a grand style, as indicated by Engagements with Rhetoric. It uses scientific terms, such as amenorrhea and osteoporosis to explain negative impacts that sports have on girls. These terms indicate a sophisticated style of language and that the article is written for a well-educated audience, particularly orthopaedic nurses. The article uses statistical analysis as solid facts to persuade readers.

            This text focuses mainly on the logos appeal. It is filled with facts, both historical and statistical, that make people stop to think. For example, the article states that the number of female athletes increased from 294,000 to 2.6 million in 1997 after Title IX was implemented.  It was also shocking to see the statistics that 32% of college females athletes are reported to have some sort of eating disorder. These facts and statistics draw the reader in and make them curious to know more information. There is a slight degree of pathos used in the conclusion of this article. The article focuses on how negative sports are on females and then it suddenly switches to speak about how it can be fixed with the help of orthopaedic professionals. It says that it is their job to screen and help female athletes with these diseases. It uses the emotional appeal that the audience can help girls cope with and avoid these problems.

            This article uses the five stasis to persuade the audience. It defines such terms as amenorrhea and osteoporosis, as well as giving examples of eating disorders. The article states that sports are the cause of all of these problems in women. It evaluates that these causes are bad and have a negative impact on women’s bodies. The action they believe should be taken is that of orthopaedic doctors and nurses who should be well prepared to deal with this increasingly more popular problem. The jurisdiction in this piece is tricky because the article supports Title IX and that women deserve equal opportunities; however, it indirectly cautions that Title IX could be causing women to be more susceptible to eating disorders. 

Monday, October 13, 2008


well im making this one short because blogger just deleted the entire novel i just wrote..

basically life is sucking right now. i never want to go home again. all these terrible things keep happening. it all started three months ago, july 12th when my boyfriend, robbie's, friend brandon was killed in a car accident. he wasnt wearing a seatbelt in a car moving upwards of 90mph that flipped over. the 3 month anniversary of his death was yesterday. yesterday morning robbie texted me to tell me that his other friend brandon's dad died in a motorcycle accident earlier in the morning. he was not particularly close with this brandon but they had grown up together and hung out occasionally. to make matters worse, brandon's best friend nick is studying abroad in europe and his family doesnt want to tell him that brandon's dad died because they dont want him to feel compelled to come home for the funeral, which he obviously would want to do. this is such a horrible situation in itself. on top of that another of robbie's friend's dads was just diagnosed with lung cancer. robbie was upset by all of this but theres nothing he can really do since hes in florida at school. as if that wasnt enough horrible events for one day, late that night he receives a call that his cousin was in a head on collision and was rushed to the hospital. thankfully he was okay and he returned home this morning. the doctors told him he was lucky he was wearing his seatbelt or he wouldn't be alive right now. a creepy chill ran through my spine when he said that. i knew it was the three month anniversary of brandon's death. perhaps he was his guardian angel. thats a good way of thinking of a terrible situation. im afraid to go home now, bad things are happening to everyone i know. i think my town is cursed. robbie and i went to different high schools and were in different grades even though we live in the same town and have completely different groups of friends. however, we have both had our fair share of horrible instances happening to those we love the most. my dad graduated from my high school thirty years earlier and he said the same thing happened when he was in school. many of his friends died in weird ways at young ages. i really think our town is cursed when it comes to these matters. we have experienced more horrible things in the last four months since we graduated than we did in the past four years of high school. 

Friday, October 10, 2008

family weekend

friday finally came and my family is here for the weekend. my mom, dad, and little sister all came to visit. my little sister carly is twelve and shes staying with me tonight and all day tomorrow. tonight they came after my last class at 3. we went out to eat at the diner and then to some physics is phun thing because we thought it would be fun. it was interesting but it was more like a physics lecture than a "fun" thing to do. i was just glad my parents could finally see how hard my classes are so now maybe theyll understand why i dont get straight a's anymore. i doubt it. my parents decided they were tired after the show even though it was only seven but they had drove four hours to come down here so they went back to the hotel. carly and i went back to my room and i blew up the blowup bed in my room for her to sleep on tonight and we caught the end of the phillies game. booo the dodgers need to step it up. they cant swept! what is this?! now were watching the boston v rays game. lets goooo rays! i hope they win it all. obviously baseball is big in my family. now were heading to the terp zone to play some pool and maybe go bowling. theres not much else to do with a twelve year old at college park. the bars are out, fe is out, the frats are out, along with any other drinking location. its kind of sad thats all we do. i never really thought of it that way. the rest of the weekend is pretty jam packed though. were having lunch on mckeldin mall tomorrow, which im guessing is going to be about when we wake up in the morning. then i have two club softball games. then my parents want to take me out to dinner - finally i get the chance to eat some real food! then my mom decided she wants to go to that circus thing on campus tomorrow night with our family friends whose son goes here so i guess im stuck going to that. im hoping tomorrow night i atleast get a chance to go out with my friends when i come home from that.sunday were going to brunch at adels then watching the girls soccer game. my sister is obsessed with soccer and wants to play in college so shes really excited to see the game. after that i think theyre going to head home and i wont see them until thanksgiving. oh well. im perfectly content with staying in college park for the rest of my life. 

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

brrrr its cold outside

fall is in the air and i am not a big fan at all. although i might be from new york, i am NOT a cold weather person. i was hoping it wouldnt get as cold in maryland as it does in new york but i fear that i am under a misconception. the mornings are getting cold! atleast its been warm all through september and into the beginning of november. wow its almost mid november already - i didn't even realize it. if only it could stay warm all year round that would be amazing. i am absolutely dreading my walks to english in susquehana in the freezing cold of december. i live in easton which is literally the farthest end of campus. walking is going to be horrible! as long as its not snowing. i was told that in maryland we get alot of black ice and professors cancel classes alot because the roads are so slippery. im hoping that people werent exagerating and this is actually true. that would be really nice because i guarantee that one day i fall on black ice. that would happen to me. im gonna have to get some real boots other than uggs haha. im so used to running from my car into my high school. im not used to walking in the cold at all. in the winter i would just wear a sweatshirt and sweatpants everyday and not worry about freezing in the cold. now im going to have to wear layers when i trek a mile to class in the freezing cold. i should probably invest in some gloves, a hat, scarf, and all that good stuff. im going to be so upset when i have to put my flipflops away for the winter =[ ..and my shorts and bathing suits and tank tops. this is so depressing. going out is going to be so annoying in the cold. what do we do with our jackets when we go out? most likely everyone will lose theirs. i was told you need to have a "Bar jacket" which is basically an old, disgusting jacket that you dont care if you lose or ruin or spill alcohol on..luckily i talked my mom into buying me a new northface so i guess thats what my old one will serve as this winter until i lose it. i cant imagine for the rude awakening all of my friends from miami are going to be in when it gets cold out. they think the world is ending if its 55 degrees in florida. i cant wait until its like -10 and i can make fun of them. my roommates from miami and she doesnt even own a pair of uggs! in new york thats completely unheard of. literally every single person i know has atleast one pair. she doesnt even have any winter clothes its so funny. she has like one sweatshirt and one pair or sweatpants..her parents are coming this weekend and bringing her all the warm clothes she has and taking her shopping. i should probably go shopping too or im going to freeze as well. i hope my parents bring me lots of clothes this weekend! 

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

rhetorical analysis 1 : volkswagon commercial

The always popular Volkswagon commercials entice and intrigue viewers of all ages. Though primarily targeted at the youth of America, approximately ages fourteen through thirty, I have personally seen all ages crack up to this commercial. Volkswagon uses the element of humor to draw in the audience’s attention. This commercial mainly pertains to the pathos of the reader. They are trying to appeal to the audience’s sense of humor by dressing in outlandish costumes and poking fun at teenager’s senses of “coolness.” This commercial is taking a jab at the popular show “Pimp My Ride” on MTV. On the show they “trick out” cars by painting them bright colors, and making them look out of the ordinary. This commercial also quotes a popular Snoop Dogg song “Drop It Like It’s Hot,” after dropping a brand new car on Jason’s old, outdated car. In addition, the German engineer in trying to be cool attempts at making some sort of Volkswagon hand gesture much like that of well known American gangs. A nickname of “Vdub” is used, poking fun at teenager’s use of slang terms and modern lingo. This commercial does a good job appealing to it’s target audience although it appears outlandish. There was no noticable logos or ethos. The main focus was on the pathos in this commercial. 

            This commercial also uses logical fallacies, the abuse of logic, to captivate the audience’s attention. Volkswagon greatly exaggerates what the youth think is cool and how they dress. They try to portray the image that if you drive a Volkswagon, you are automatically considered cool. Obviously this is not true because cool does not necessarily have a definition, nor is it defined by a type of car. Another logical fallacy in the commercial is that German’s are all really smart and technologically savvy. They have engineers in their stereotypical white lab coats with thick German accents. Once again, all Volkswagon employees are not remarkably intelligent German engineers with thick German accents.

            Different ages and nationalities may view this commercial differently. German’s may take offense to the abuse of their accent in the commercial. The elderly may not understand the jokes that Volkswagon is trying to convey if they are not up to date with modern pop culture. Even middle aged adults might not get the joke of the commercial if they do not have teenage children or if they are simply out of the loop. Volkswagon took a risk in making this commercial at offending many of it’s potential customer’s; however, from experience, their target audience approves of the humor in their commercial. I believe this commercial was successful in relaying their message to their target audience. 

Monday, October 6, 2008

today my favorite part of the day was abruptly cut short. my friend liza frantically approached me as i was rowing and exclaimed "its 8:57 were gonna miss one tree hill!" i was forced to immediately drop what i was doing and sprint back to the room. as we rush through the door we see all of our friends sitting in my room staring at the screen. "whatd we miss?" we exclaim. "uhhh theres no new episode on tonight guys" replied my roommate, elise. i was so angry! i cut my workout short and raced home for nothing! it was all a waste. i hate tv. you can never count on it to always be there for you. the elliptical and the track; however, will always be there for me. i can count on them. yes im one of those losers who loves to run and sing obnoxiously to my ipod even though i cant sing to save my life. anyway i was too lazy to walk all the way back to the gym after we walked all the way back to easton so i wasted that hour talking and laughing with my four best friends who live in my room. were overly obsessed with each other obviously..then the hills was on at 10:00 and i decided that it mirrors my high school life exactly. its actually scary. i think i am the real LC. whoever reads this is gonna be like okay this girls a psycho but i sware the same exact situations all happened to me. its really weird. so im kind of becoming obsessed with this show. yes my life is pathetic i know. and now im watching the angels v red sox game. and the angels just tied it up in the bottom of the so excited. this is awesome. i will be so unbelievably happy if they win tonight and even the series. now i have an excuse to stay up till the game ends and can procrastinate from doing my bio lab for even longer. nice! im gonna go watch the end! 

Sunday, October 5, 2008

"its the most wonderful time of the year"

this weekend was awesome as usual. the playoffs are in the air. i loooove october. im the biggest baseball freak ever. im from new york so obviously im a yankees fan and i was ridiculously depressed they werent even close to making the playoffs and the red sox did. so naturally ive been rooting against the red sox. lets go angels! even though theyre down 2 games to none it can still be done. i have faith haha. im also rooting for the dodgers because i love and miss joe torre. im so glad they won. i watched them clinch last night. obviously im at a frat party and everyones dancing and talking and drinking, and im sitting there glued to the tv and everyones like why is this girl watching baseball? and my friends all think im insane. but whatevs its what i like. im watching the phillies game right now. i kinda wanted milwaukee to win since they knocked the mets out. it would have been bittersweet but its just as good if the phillies win since theyre the mets rivals anyway. (my boyfriends a HUGE mets fan so i love making fun of him) im actually hoping the rays win it all. theyre so young and talented they could create a dynasty. alot of them arent half bad looking which is always a plus when im trying to get the girls to watch the games with me haha. i hope it ends up being dodgers v rays in the ship. the rays must beat boston in the alcs or i will kill someone. ugh i hate boston so much. no offense if anyone reading this is from boston. it just bothers me that the curse of the bambino was broken. i was a believer haha. naturally my roommate is from miami, florida, yet she likes the red sox. that would happen to me. but luckily shes not really that into baseball she just says shes a red sox fan. so we have a nice little rivalry going on. shes been printing out posters of anti yankee things and RED SOX RULE posters and pasting them over my yankees posters. right now the background of my computer is a new york state license plate that says RED SOX SUCK. i want it. i wish that was my license plate haha. okay im going to go watch the rays game after watching the phillies clinch it..its bottom nine now. 

Saturday, October 4, 2008

ahhhhh im so tired..its saturday night at 7:45 and im about to fall asleep. . this is terrible..i need some way to wake uppp...we all woke up at 9 today because my roommate and i both forgot to turn off our alarms..we had like 5 people sleeping in our room and everyone woke up i felt so bad..we did the same thing last weekend too! were really good at remembering things as you can probably tell..none of my friends like their roommates so they all sleep in my room..its kind of entertaining..we have a blow up bed that fits two people so usually two of them are sleeping on friends roommates boyfriend is here for the weekend so shes like not allowed in her room..her roommate put up a sign saying "do not disturb for atleast thirty minutes" we got a good laugh out of that one but poor liza didnt have her phone or money or anything..this weekend has proved to be amusing as all the other previous weekends have been..we went to a white party last was dont even remember what frat had it lol..then we came back to the dorm and had just as much of my friends decided to pretend she was swimming on the lounge everyone came in to make fun of her..then we made so much food..yummyy bowl apetite..thats like all we eat now..okay im going to attempt at dragging my lazy rear end to the gym before i fall asleep

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

stupid stupid computers

i officially hate how in college everything is on the computer. im so pissed because i was busy all day today so i didnt have time to do my chem pre lab. so i just went on the computer to complete it because my lab is tomorrow, and it wouldnt let me open the file. now why wouldnt it let me open the file? i dont have class until 8am tomorrow so why shouldnt i be allowed to complete my pre lab at 1am if i want to? how come in math because its written i can complete my math hw at 9am when its due at 11am? people say computers help so much meanwhile i hate doing all my assignments on the computer. like yeah obviously typing papers and writing in a blog like this is appropriate for the computer but doing my chemistry homework with all the calculations is a royal pain in the you know what..why cant i show my work and hand in my homework so i can get partial credit..half the time the computer grades it wrong when its right is to all of the student's advantages to be able to hand in work..all of my professors have their TA's grade the tests and homeworks anyway so whats the difference whether we do it manually..we should get to chose which we feel more comfortable with..especially in bio my teacher puts quizzes up on ELMS and only makes them available for one day..what if your really busy that day? what if your traveling on a plane somewhere? waht if youre deathly ill? and on top of this you only get one attempt at friend's computer froze and shut off after she opened it so she emailed the teacher to ask if she could try again and she said nope too bad..luckily she drops your two lowest grades but that is really unfair because she didnt even recieve a chance to try it..and in chem i dont think they even drop any of your grades so i just got completely screwed over by time..i cant control time..theres only so many hours in a day that i can get things done in..i still have 10 million other assignments to do..i guess apparently chemistry has to come first from now on since it has to be completed by a certain time..ugh im just so frustrated its one thing if you get things wrong and you dont understand something but its so frustrating when your losing valuable points for no apparent reason