Friday, September 19, 2008

"you're just a girl's team anyway"

Thank god high school sports are over and done with forever. As an avid athlete playing on a Varsity level for all four years of high school, I expected everything on the Varsity level to be professional and like playing on a "real" sports team. Since I was little I had always looked up to the "big" girls and respected them. I so longed to be like them when I got older, racing down the soccer field, sliding into home on the softball field, and diving down the basketball court. As my first soccer season got underway freshman year, I soon realized that compared to the boys, girls sports meant nothing. The boys seemed to "fundraise" ten times as much as the girls - even though we do the same fundraisers. I can think of multiple examples of when the boys simply seemed to matter more than the girls. The baseball team decided they wanted to put in a permanent fence, that ran right through the soccer field in the fall. So they simply began digging up our beloved soccer field and putting posts all through it. The custodial staff pettily tried to cover the posts for the upcoming soccer season, but since we're only girls afterall, they did a terrible job. Naturally, my sophomore year as I was running down the field, I tripped over one of these inadvertedly placed spokes and hurt my knee. Luckily nothing was torn, after countless MRI's and trips to the orthopedist, but it still bothers me to this day, four years later. I should have taken it up with the school how their dangerous fields caused an accident that should have never happened. Numerous other soccer players recieved similar injuries including cuts, scrapes, and bruises from the exposed fenceposts. Yet nothing was ever done. Now I can really see how important the girl's sports teams are. ...To Be Continued

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