Tuesday, September 23, 2008

days go on forever

today seemed to drag on forever! i woke up SO early for my bio lab this morning and i was half asleep the whole time. i have it 8 am. tons of fun let me tell you. waking up first thing in the morning to measure the amount of sesaphasa something i cant even pronounce is not my idea of a good time. then i dragged myself to go take my first math test. im so mad because i knew everything but i know i messed something up. were not allowed to use any calculators so you have to do all the calculations in your head and your rushing so im sure i made some mental math mistakes that im gonna kick myself for later. as if i wasnt exhausted enough i had to run to stamp to get lunch where i finally had a break. i tried that salad works place for the first time. its a rip off. they barely give you any food. i got a wrap that was the size of a chicken mcnugget. i might be a girl but i eat - alot - even though no one seems to believe me..anyway then i rushed to UNIV after grabbing a frapaccino on the way out to keep me awake..we talked about stress for like two hours which basically made me more stressed. and i have to keep a log of what i do with every hour of my day for the next week. its kind of weird. and of course i have to do it like the one weekend my boyfriend is coming to visit so my entire weekend is going to be like "spending time with robbie bc i havent seen him in a month" and im gonna sound like i have no life. but whatever. ill probably forget to fill it out anway.then after univ i had to go to chem discussion. thank god it was easy and my TA let us out 20 min early. then i had to run back to my dorm to change for softball and make it all the way back to the field by 5 and it was already 420 when i got back to my dorm and the field is 20 min away. softball was a welcome relief after such a long day. i met up with my floormates at the diner where we pigged out because we were all starving then came back to my dorm to watch 90210 - my new favorite show. im not really a big tv person but i actually really like this show. its kind of funny and reminds me of my high school. after 90210 was over i finished up my english paper and some other writing assignments and now my friends are all watching a walk to remember in my room even though its almost 12 and all i want to do is go to sleep ahhh but i still have more english to read..i sware these days never end

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