Tuesday, September 9, 2008

a new day

so today wasnt exactly exciting..had to get up at 8am for a bio lab..it wasnt half as bad as i thought it was going to be..we walked down to a creek and had to basically fish for animals and catch bugs and any interesting organisms. my friend molly and i just walked up and down the creek. the water was cool and refreshing since, as you all know, its over 80 degrees everyday. we wound up not finding any interesting animals, but we did find a neat waterfall. it reminded me of being at camp. it was really pretty and quiet and i never would have guessed there was a creek that ran through college park. i was exhausted after the long walk and the wading through the water so i basically slept through math..just kidding..i tried my best to learn but i kept kind of losing focus..i decided an hour and fifteen minutes is entirely too long to focus on bio-math for..regular math is hard enough..adding the bio into it is practically making it another language..after the long, droning hour and fifteen minutes ended, i headed to UNIV. .im actually enjoying this class..my teacher is awesome and makes class really entertaining..im not sure how much im actually learning..its more like learning about yourself which is pretty entertaining at times..i learned that im an extrovert..which basically means im outgoing and i like to be around other people instead of keeping to myself..i mean i kind of knew that already but now i have a term for it haha..i was so happy when classes commenced for the day..went home and went to the gym with my roomie and floormate, elise and vicki, and we played raquetball then i had a meeting for softball..i was really disappointed when i realized there was 30 girls playing on one club softball team..this is gonna be horrible..even if i play well..i probably still wont get to play that much since theres so many girls coming out to play..theres no cuts because its a club activity..im anxious to see the competition..first practice is thursday at five..im excited to finally play again..i miss sports so much since high school ended..it was so weird not playing soccer this fall..every fall since kindergarten ive been playing soccer..im trying to play intramural soccer but i havent received any information about it..for now i guess i have the gym and hopefully softball will work out

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