Monday, September 22, 2008

weekend recap

so i slacked off and didnt write all weekend..i was too busy doing nothing with my friday night went out with my floor..were walking around knox looking for a being the idiot that i am, i decided to wear high heels, so of course my feet were killing me. my roommate, elise, insists i jump on her back and she'll carry me. i was in so much pain i readily accepted the offer so i jump on her back. she starts walking, trips, and falls. i go flying and land on my head. which starts bleeding and everyone freaks out except for me. i had like a one inch cut on the back of my head from the fall but your head bleeds profusely when you get cut so everyone thought i was going to die and they acted like i was gushing blood. thank god it wasnt a bad cut and i didnt need stiches or anything because that would not have been good. we didnt have anything to stop the bleeding because we were out so elise took off her shirt because she felt bad and they used it as a pressure to stop my head from bleeding. so elise is standing on the street in her bra and jeans and a cop comes over and is like "do we have a problem over here?" so of course were like oh no everythings fine and he goes to elise "miss, can i see some ID? why don't you have a shirt on?" thinking on her feet, elise replies "sorry officer i dont have any id on me, but i was hot for .2 seconds so i took my shirt off" he laughed and he told her she better put it back on right away..we decided that was enough of an adventure for one night so we headed back to the dorm where my friends decided to perform surgery on my head. . one of my friends put a band aid on the cut on my my hair..yeah getting that off in the morning was no fun..saturday we woke up and raced to the diner for waffles! then we got ready for the football game and sat in the "meggett mania" section..if you dont know what it is you should haha..hes one of the freshman running backs so my friends made tshirts for him and like 100 kids got them so we created a whole section of them..the football game was fun..for once it wasnt 95 degrees so i could actually enjoy the game..then we went to the diner since we were all starving..then we decided to go kick a soccer ball around, then went to eat again..after that we showered and got ready and went out for the night. we went to delta sig who had a pretty sweet party..every night ends up interesting when you go to the frats..haha had some funn came bakc and passed out..woke up sunday morning and ate left over chinese we apparently ordered the night before..panda = obsessed already..haha anyway i went back to sleep after lunch to catch up on sleep, woke up at dinner and realized that i only had one night to get all my homework done. that was not fun. stayed up till 2 am writing my english paper, then realized today that i have to re structure the whole thing. boo. im going to go attempt at starting that now

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