Wednesday, September 10, 2008

i knew it would happen eventually..

ugh so today first day being sick at was awful..woke up at 9 and felt like death..stuffy nose..sore throat..exhausted..headache..the whole deal..i forced myself to go to class (english of course) even though i felt like i could sleep for another ten hours..i used my sunglasses to mask my swollen eyes and headed on my longggg walk to susquehana..the day seemed to drag by..after english i had to go to calc chem and felt like the longest day ever..i came home after bio and crashed on my bed..i passed out in a matter of seconds..when i awoke two hours later, my roommate and my friend were both passed out in my room as well (not in my bed thank god) glad i inspired everyone to sleep..usually im the one going LETS GO TO THE GYM NOW GUYS..COME ON GET OFF YOUR LAZY BUTTS AND LETS GOOOOO..i guess since i was sleeping, everyone else felt they should be sleeping too..when i got up i forced everyone to come eat dinner with me since i was starving..i took some medicine and felt a little better but is till have a stuffy nose..its so annoying i cant sleep because i cant breathe out of my nose! im hoping if i go to bed early tonight that tomorrow i will feel alot better but i still have so much homework to do and its already 7:30..i feel like i never have enough time to get anything accomplished at going to go quit procrastinating and actually get some work done..maybe ill do my english reading and get it over with since my textbooks FINALLY came!

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