Friday, September 5, 2008

first post =]

College. College. College. That's all I've been hearing since my freshman year of high school. Now that I'm finally here, I can see that it is all that it's cracked up to be. There is always something going on and tons of fun things to do. There are lots of new opportunities to explore and there's something new around every corner. I'm excited to take advantage of all the opportunities here at Maryland. So far I have joined the Club Softball team, and I am playing Intramural soccer. I hope to run for floor representative of the sixth floor in Easton where I live and I'm thinking about joining Hilel, even though technically I'm only half a jew (my mom is Jewish and my dad is Catholic). I am also checking out the sororities to see if I want to rush next semester. Some of my friends from home are in Aephii so I'm guessing that is where I will end up if I decide to rush. 
So right now I'm hanging out in my dorm with my roommate Elise, and our floormates Vicki and Bethany. We're meeting up with a bunch of people to go play volleyball in the Rec Center. We did this yesterday also and it was so much fun. Everyone was terrible so it was pretty funny to watch. I also played racketball for the first time. That game is hard! I had no idea how confusing it was. It's a really good workout though so I would definately recommend trying it one day. After volleyball I'm going to the Aephii house to go see my friend from home. It will be nice to finally see a friendly face. I am the only one from my high school who came here to College Park, but there are a few girls that are older from a neighboring high school. I'm heading out to go play volleyball now. Peace.

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