Monday, September 29, 2008

roomiee loooveee came back!

my beloved roommate left me for the bahamas this weekend..i was sooooo mad at her..she missed so many entertaining episodes this weekend..we lost someone each night haha..i wont get into that..but elise got to be miserable on her cruise bc it rained the whole time..mwaahaha..serves her right for leaving me..i was so lonely..even though my boyfriend came for the weekend..he flew in from florida for the weekend..which i was very excited about..but it wasnt the same without elise..i got so used to living with elise that it felt so weird living without her..she left thursday night and just came back right now..and we attacked each other haha..except shes mad i didnt bring her back boston market..yeah today is roshashana and im half a fridge ...i mean half a we wanted to go to hilel for dinner were about to leave when someones like yeah the service should only take an hour and a my friend liza and i are like wait what service? were going for dinner..and then we looked it up..and realized that we missed dinner and we were actually going to the we were like forget that we decided to go to pita plus to get jew food bc its kosher..i just really wanted matza ball we go all the way there..and it was closed for the holiday bc its owned by jews! were so we ended up at boston market eating good old home cooked chicken..which was amazing since i hadnt had boston market in over a month and i LIVE on it at home..its kind of weird the food you miss from home yeah that holiday went real well - cant wait for yom kippur next weekend - maybe well go to cluck u next time..were such good jews ..haha so tonight was a joke of a holiday and now im back at the room finally my 5 friends are back and we can all watch one tree hill together in peace<3

Thursday, September 25, 2008


so its 1am on a thursday night and instead of being out like everyone else, i had too much homework to do! my night was actually really busy...thank god softball got cancelled because of the rain since i could only go for a half hour anyway and it takes twenty minutes to walk there and back..but anyway i had to go to a dinner reception thing at stamp because im a senator of my buildling..woo glad the other representatives from my building are really cool and i think im going to have a good group of people to work with..i was nervous that they were all going to be freakishly into student government but i actually like them all alot..of course  when we got out it was pouring raining so we decided to get gelato and wait for the bus.i never knew there was gelato in the stamp..i was so excited! it was amazing - even though it was freezing out..i raced back to my room to get back by 9pm for greys was a special two hour long season premire..i thought it was good but its getting a little farfetched..come on..christina getting impaled by an icicle and being saved by some army doctor? i dont know that was a little out there for me..and how the hospital was stealing patients..that would never happen..and the whole plot of the women and their husbands was just hoping it begins to become more realistic again but i have a feeling its taking a turn for the worst..theyre running out of plot week theres gonna be a giant flood..yeah that totally happens on a daily basis..finally at 11 i kicked everyone out of my room..thank god everyone wanted to go to bed anyway..but then i had to start my homework..did an hour of for english..and now i have to edit my trying to get as much done as possible because my boyfriends flying in from florida for the weekend..i cant wait! i havent seen him for a month! im soooo excited..hes coming at 11 tomorrow right after english so im totally gonna be in la la land because im so excited to see him..hopefully ill be able to find him at the metro haha..if not this could get interesting..hopefully i get back in time so i dont miss chemistry..that would be bad..okay im going to go finish my paper before 9 am when i have to wake up haha..peace

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

days go on forever

today seemed to drag on forever! i woke up SO early for my bio lab this morning and i was half asleep the whole time. i have it 8 am. tons of fun let me tell you. waking up first thing in the morning to measure the amount of sesaphasa something i cant even pronounce is not my idea of a good time. then i dragged myself to go take my first math test. im so mad because i knew everything but i know i messed something up. were not allowed to use any calculators so you have to do all the calculations in your head and your rushing so im sure i made some mental math mistakes that im gonna kick myself for later. as if i wasnt exhausted enough i had to run to stamp to get lunch where i finally had a break. i tried that salad works place for the first time. its a rip off. they barely give you any food. i got a wrap that was the size of a chicken mcnugget. i might be a girl but i eat - alot - even though no one seems to believe me..anyway then i rushed to UNIV after grabbing a frapaccino on the way out to keep me awake..we talked about stress for like two hours which basically made me more stressed. and i have to keep a log of what i do with every hour of my day for the next week. its kind of weird. and of course i have to do it like the one weekend my boyfriend is coming to visit so my entire weekend is going to be like "spending time with robbie bc i havent seen him in a month" and im gonna sound like i have no life. but whatever. ill probably forget to fill it out anway.then after univ i had to go to chem discussion. thank god it was easy and my TA let us out 20 min early. then i had to run back to my dorm to change for softball and make it all the way back to the field by 5 and it was already 420 when i got back to my dorm and the field is 20 min away. softball was a welcome relief after such a long day. i met up with my floormates at the diner where we pigged out because we were all starving then came back to my dorm to watch 90210 - my new favorite show. im not really a big tv person but i actually really like this show. its kind of funny and reminds me of my high school. after 90210 was over i finished up my english paper and some other writing assignments and now my friends are all watching a walk to remember in my room even though its almost 12 and all i want to do is go to sleep ahhh but i still have more english to read..i sware these days never end

Monday, September 22, 2008

weekend recap

so i slacked off and didnt write all weekend..i was too busy doing nothing with my friday night went out with my floor..were walking around knox looking for a being the idiot that i am, i decided to wear high heels, so of course my feet were killing me. my roommate, elise, insists i jump on her back and she'll carry me. i was in so much pain i readily accepted the offer so i jump on her back. she starts walking, trips, and falls. i go flying and land on my head. which starts bleeding and everyone freaks out except for me. i had like a one inch cut on the back of my head from the fall but your head bleeds profusely when you get cut so everyone thought i was going to die and they acted like i was gushing blood. thank god it wasnt a bad cut and i didnt need stiches or anything because that would not have been good. we didnt have anything to stop the bleeding because we were out so elise took off her shirt because she felt bad and they used it as a pressure to stop my head from bleeding. so elise is standing on the street in her bra and jeans and a cop comes over and is like "do we have a problem over here?" so of course were like oh no everythings fine and he goes to elise "miss, can i see some ID? why don't you have a shirt on?" thinking on her feet, elise replies "sorry officer i dont have any id on me, but i was hot for .2 seconds so i took my shirt off" he laughed and he told her she better put it back on right away..we decided that was enough of an adventure for one night so we headed back to the dorm where my friends decided to perform surgery on my head. . one of my friends put a band aid on the cut on my my hair..yeah getting that off in the morning was no fun..saturday we woke up and raced to the diner for waffles! then we got ready for the football game and sat in the "meggett mania" section..if you dont know what it is you should haha..hes one of the freshman running backs so my friends made tshirts for him and like 100 kids got them so we created a whole section of them..the football game was fun..for once it wasnt 95 degrees so i could actually enjoy the game..then we went to the diner since we were all starving..then we decided to go kick a soccer ball around, then went to eat again..after that we showered and got ready and went out for the night. we went to delta sig who had a pretty sweet party..every night ends up interesting when you go to the frats..haha had some funn came bakc and passed out..woke up sunday morning and ate left over chinese we apparently ordered the night before..panda = obsessed already..haha anyway i went back to sleep after lunch to catch up on sleep, woke up at dinner and realized that i only had one night to get all my homework done. that was not fun. stayed up till 2 am writing my english paper, then realized today that i have to re structure the whole thing. boo. im going to go attempt at starting that now

Friday, September 19, 2008

"you're just a girl's team anyway"

Thank god high school sports are over and done with forever. As an avid athlete playing on a Varsity level for all four years of high school, I expected everything on the Varsity level to be professional and like playing on a "real" sports team. Since I was little I had always looked up to the "big" girls and respected them. I so longed to be like them when I got older, racing down the soccer field, sliding into home on the softball field, and diving down the basketball court. As my first soccer season got underway freshman year, I soon realized that compared to the boys, girls sports meant nothing. The boys seemed to "fundraise" ten times as much as the girls - even though we do the same fundraisers. I can think of multiple examples of when the boys simply seemed to matter more than the girls. The baseball team decided they wanted to put in a permanent fence, that ran right through the soccer field in the fall. So they simply began digging up our beloved soccer field and putting posts all through it. The custodial staff pettily tried to cover the posts for the upcoming soccer season, but since we're only girls afterall, they did a terrible job. Naturally, my sophomore year as I was running down the field, I tripped over one of these inadvertedly placed spokes and hurt my knee. Luckily nothing was torn, after countless MRI's and trips to the orthopedist, but it still bothers me to this day, four years later. I should have taken it up with the school how their dangerous fields caused an accident that should have never happened. Numerous other soccer players recieved similar injuries including cuts, scrapes, and bruises from the exposed fenceposts. Yet nothing was ever done. Now I can really see how important the girl's sports teams are. ...To Be Continued

Thursday, September 18, 2008


ugh its thursday night and theres nothing to do. boo. no more frat parties because its rush week. too young to go to the bars. most clubs are only on the weekends. im stuck home doing homework. ewww. atleast my whole floor is stuck home with me haha. so today was actually quite entertaining. went through my classes, the usual blah blah. then went to the first look fair - and signed up for like six clubs that i will probably never show up to. i joined the make a wish foundation which i actually do want to do, and i joined hillel so ill have somewhere to go on the holidays - except now theyre trying to recruit me to do community service in third world countries over my spring break - great - just what i wanted to do over spring break. then i joined some random political organizations for no apparent reason. and i joined the ultimate terp club? or something along those lines. i dont even know. it sounded fun. something with sports and terps, sounds good to me. finally a half hour and eight clubs later, we left and went back to my dorm where i did my evil math homework for two hours before heading off to softball which is about a mile away from my dorm. there was over thirty girls there. it was ridiculous. fifty five girls signed up at the first look fair in addition to the thirty that already previously signed up. this is so ridiculous theres no way eighty girls can play. they said there were going to try to make two teams but thats even way too many for two teams. they said alot of girls will probably stop showing up in a week or two which im hoping or no one will get a chance to play. anyway after practice i get back to my dorm to check my email and i have this message congratulating me on becoming a building senator? i look at it and im like oh my god what did i do. i meant to be a floor representative. my RA told me i had to sign up online so i just filled out the form and didnt pay attention to anything and it put me down as volunteering to be a senator. i figured no one would vote for me since i didnt campaign or do anything i was supposed to and i dont even know that many people in my building aside from everyone on my floor. but nooooo of course apparently alot of people voted for me and i won! so now im stuck doing this job which i just found out now is apparently alot of work and i represent my building and do more work than the president. great. cant wait. this should be pretty entertaining since i have no idea what im doing, i have no plans of going into politics, and i have no experience in student government. awesome. and to top it all off - all my friends think its hysterical and keep obnoxiously congradulating me about it..super.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

they paved paradise and put up a parking lot

as im sitting here about to write my journal entry for the day, im wondering why my roommate and floormate have been sitting here for the past two hours playing scrabble as im freaking out about how much homework i have to do. i love how im the only one on my floor that ever has to do homework. elise, my roommate, sleeps all the time. she probably has some weird ass disease i dont know about. shes basically nocturnal. she stays up till 4am everyday and then just sleeps all day and forgets to go to her discussion classes because shes too busy sleeping. but i love her anyway - even though she's a little weird. just kidding. but seriously, im the only one who has class from like 10-3 everyday and never has any time to do homework. and im not even involved in many campus activities yet. im playing club softball because that was basically my life in high school, and i joined the pre-med club today which seems like it's pretty intense haha. im going to mckeldin mall tomorrow to check out the first look fair, which i already got stuck working at! come visit me at the club softball table. i need to join some community service clubs. im sure there will be plenty there. knowing me ill come back and have joined twenty different clubs then realize im only actually interested in two of them. oh well i guess ill have to wait and see. tonight i have a wonderful night of 4 chemistry assignments to do. gotta love chem lab - lab report, pre lab, policy quiz. great cant wait for that. then i have to do my actual chemistry homework, along with 50 other assignments. joy.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


right now it is 12:21 pm and i have been awake since 7 am this morning. i should probably be going to bed soon but im in the overtired mode now and im just going to ramble on and on and on and on and on for awhile. i think i made my tuesdays way too long..getting home at 7 from class is wayyy too late. i have bio lab for 3 hours, then math lecture, then finally lunch, univ, chem discussion, then club softball. by the time i get back to my dorm to go shower and eat its already 8:00 when the new beverly hills 90210 is on so naturally i have to watch by the time i start my work its 9:00 and im already exhausted. i decided that there is not enough hours in a day to accomplish everything. it is physically impossible to do all of my homework. im guessing this weekend im going to have ALOT of reading to make up. and i am really not a fan of war is a force that gives us meaning. i hate reading about sad, horror stories that include death and traumatic experiences. it gives me nightmares. just kidding. but seriously i hate hearing horror stories so i dont know how much more of this book i can stomach. i understand why the school picked this book and all but its just not my preferred reading. i would much rather read a story with an actual plot. the book confuses me because it seems to go back and forth between wars and different countries. considering i am not very well versed about the war in serbia and what was going on in yugoslavia i find it very confusing to keep up with. i just got the section about the rapes of women and i found it quite disturbing. it is a horrid thing to ever happen to a woman so i do not feel the need to be reminded about the horrors of it with 5 different examples..ughh...i shudder to think about that..okay its almost 1 am now so i really need to go to sleep if i want to be semi-awake in class tomorrow. goodnight!

Monday, September 15, 2008

just a day, just an ordinary day

i am absolutely exhausted and its only monday..i never knew how emotionally draining one weekend can finding that as i get older, i grow up faster..recent events have made me realize how much i have changed in the past year..time seems to be going by so quickly..its scary how fast time flies..i am eighteen years old..thats so old! i remember when i was thirteen and i looked up at the eighteen year olds like wow theyre so much older than me..and bam, five years i am..theres nothing fantastic about it other than the fact that we get to vote and we can get into clubs and bars? woo hoo..sometimes i wish i could go back to being that naive thirteen year old that didnt really understand the world..back then we all got along..boys were interesting and school really wasnt that the years went by, people changed, secrets were lost, friendships were made and broken, school never failed to be a pain in the rear end, sports became more competitive and ruined lives and friendships, girls lost their lives obsessing over boys and vice versa, loved ones died along the way, embarassing moments seemed to last forever, and the good times never seemed so good..even though throughout high school i often felt as if i could have murdered some of my best friends for being so stupid..after you go away and realize how much you miss them, you realize that you love them for who they are..and that no matter what happens you will always be there by their side..even if it means taking a five hour bus home to be home for a day..though distance will continue to draw us apart for years to come, and we may lose touch, in times of hardship your true friends always find their way back home

Saturday, September 13, 2008

home sweet home

okay so this weekend i went home for my friend pat's funeral..friday it took me 6 hours to get home ughh..took the bus from dc to nyc then had to drive another half hour home..i didnt get home until 12 and i fell right asleep..i read a whole book on the bus because i was so bored..i read tuesdays with morrie because i had to for my univ was actually a really good book..its about a teacher who has of my coaches from high school recently died from ALS so i really connected with the book because i knew EXACTLY what the author was going through..not like i didnt have enough sadness in my weekend already..this morning was the funeral(i posted about what happened in an earlier blog)..this might have been one of the hardest things i have ever had to do..sad is an was horrifying, depressing, scary, and emotional..pat's best friend dennis was one of the people carrying the coffin..i couldnt even imagine how he must have felt..i cant imagine losing my best of my best friends broke down in tears..she used to date pat and they were still really close until the day he died..she was a rec today..i felt so cant console a person in mourning like that..luckily there were 4 of us at the funeral together so we all had each other..i was upset that i was seeing my best friends from high school for the first time since we left for college in such a horrible circumstance..i would much rather have waited the extra 2 months and greeted them happily at best friends and i were supposed to go out to lunch after the funeral but everyone was so upset they just went home and sulked..i need to get out of the house so i drove for the first time in two weeks..i almost forgot how to drive..i miss driving though - its so relaxing..i drove to my work..i work at a salon..and i love it..its the best job ever..everyone there was so happy and pleased to see me they really cheered me up..the salon is such a positive, fun atmosphere, and it was nice hanging out there without actually having to do work..after that i went over to my best friends house - he was home for the day..he moved to new york city after high school because he's wrestling at hunter was nice to finally see him since i hadnt seen him in two weeks..i also convinced him to come visit maryland because he really wants to see a college football naturally i was like "OBVIOUSLY MARYLAND IS WHERE YOU WANT TO GO FOR THAT!" so hopefully hes coming some time in october..then my aunt and uncle and grandma came over for dinner as a "surprise" no thanks to my was also nice to see them..and now im heading out to go out with my best friends from high school..even though i cant wait to get back to maryland..i miss cp so much even though ive only been gone for a day! im anxious to get back tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

i knew it would happen eventually..

ugh so today first day being sick at was awful..woke up at 9 and felt like death..stuffy nose..sore throat..exhausted..headache..the whole deal..i forced myself to go to class (english of course) even though i felt like i could sleep for another ten hours..i used my sunglasses to mask my swollen eyes and headed on my longggg walk to susquehana..the day seemed to drag by..after english i had to go to calc chem and felt like the longest day ever..i came home after bio and crashed on my bed..i passed out in a matter of seconds..when i awoke two hours later, my roommate and my friend were both passed out in my room as well (not in my bed thank god) glad i inspired everyone to sleep..usually im the one going LETS GO TO THE GYM NOW GUYS..COME ON GET OFF YOUR LAZY BUTTS AND LETS GOOOOO..i guess since i was sleeping, everyone else felt they should be sleeping too..when i got up i forced everyone to come eat dinner with me since i was starving..i took some medicine and felt a little better but is till have a stuffy nose..its so annoying i cant sleep because i cant breathe out of my nose! im hoping if i go to bed early tonight that tomorrow i will feel alot better but i still have so much homework to do and its already 7:30..i feel like i never have enough time to get anything accomplished at going to go quit procrastinating and actually get some work done..maybe ill do my english reading and get it over with since my textbooks FINALLY came!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

a new day

so today wasnt exactly exciting..had to get up at 8am for a bio wasnt half as bad as i thought it was going to be..we walked down to a creek and had to basically fish for animals and catch bugs and any interesting organisms. my friend molly and i just walked up and down the creek. the water was cool and refreshing since, as you all know, its over 80 degrees everyday. we wound up not finding any interesting animals, but we did find a neat waterfall. it reminded me of being at camp. it was really pretty and quiet and i never would have guessed there was a creek that ran through college park. i was exhausted after the long walk and the wading through the water so i basically slept through math..just kidding..i tried my best to learn but i kept kind of losing focus..i decided an hour and fifteen minutes is entirely too long to focus on bio-math for..regular math is hard enough..adding the bio into it is practically making it another language..after the long, droning hour and fifteen minutes ended, i headed to UNIV. .im actually enjoying this teacher is awesome and makes class really not sure how much im actually learning..its more like learning about yourself which is pretty entertaining at times..i learned that im an extrovert..which basically means im outgoing and i like to be around other people instead of keeping to myself..i mean i kind of knew that already but now i have a term for it haha..i was so happy when classes commenced for the day..went home and went to the gym with my roomie and floormate, elise and vicki, and we played raquetball then i had a meeting for softball..i was really disappointed when i realized there was 30 girls playing on one club softball team..this is gonna be horrible..even if i play well..i probably still wont get to play that much since theres so many girls coming out to play..theres no cuts because its a club anxious to see the competition..first practice is thursday at excited to finally play again..i miss sports so much since high school was so weird not playing soccer this fall..every fall since kindergarten ive been playing trying to play intramural soccer but i havent received any information about it..for now i guess i have the gym and hopefully softball will work out

Monday, September 8, 2008

warning : this post is gonna be sad

So yesterday i got the call that no one wants to ever get. ."Are you going home this weekend?" "No, why would i be going home this weekend?" "Didn't you hear? Pat died this morning." I sat there in disbelief staring at the phone that was connected to my best friend Ilana on the other end..until I started shaking so profusely I could barely move. I timidly replied "what?" I couldn't even fathom how to react. Though I had not seen Pat in about a month, and we were not "Best friends" per say, I still considered him a friend and an extremely overly-nice person. Any loss of life at a young age is depressing, but to happen to such a caring person is a huge shock. I can't believe he choked to death. No one even really knows what happened. Some say he was drunk and choked in his sleep, some say he was awake and he started choking and no one could save him. Now i'm hearing it was carbon monoxide poisoning. Apparently he left his car running in his garage all night and the carbon monoxide leaked into his room and he died in his sleep. I don't really know what to believe. He was away at college in Florida for a mere two weeks. All he wanted to do was go away. He spent his past three years at a Community College near my house and he was so excited to finally get the chance to go away to school! He touched so many lives its unbelievable how many people are grieving for him. Everyone i have talked to from my hometown is in shock. Everyone is a mess, no one even knows when the wake/funeral are. I feel so bad for one of my best friends Jackie. He was her first love and they dated all throughout high school on and off. She won't answer her phone so I cant even check up on her..not that i really blame her. It's just so weird - a month ago another boy from my school, Brandon, died in a tragic car accident. Brandon was Jackie's cousins ex boyfriend. I distinctly remember when Brandon died, Jackie exclaiming "Oh my god I dont know what I would do if that ever happened to me..I cant even imagine.." No one ever thinks they could really be in that situation. It's just so horrible. I don't even know how to go home. I just got here and wasnt planning on leaving any time soon. I told my family i wouldnt be home until Thanksgiving. I called my mom thinking she would be empathetic and she told me I shouldnt come home. I dont know but Im pretty worried about Jackie and I really think the right thing to do would be to go home..all my other friends are going home anyway. Unfortunately it's under horrible circumstances but I think we all need each other right now anyway. Being in College Park has actually helped me cope. My friends have kept me busy 24/7. My roommate even stayed awake with me until 3am to cheer me up having a pillow fight. I'm so happy I found a great group of friends here that I can count on. 

Saturday, September 6, 2008

1. Introduce yourself briefly. Where are you from? Where have you gone to school? What educational plans brought you to the University of Maryland, and what fields of learning or potential majors interest you at this stage in your academic career?

I am from New City, New York which is in Rockland County. It is a suburb of New York City, and is about a half an hour away. I also spend time in Harriman State Park, which is slightly north of Rockland County. My family owns a day camp there so we spend alot of time up there. I graduated from Clarkstown South High School last year. I hope to one day become a pediatrician, so I am currently a Biology major on a pre-med track. 

2. What kinds of writing have you done in high school? At UMD? At another college? Outside of a school setting?

Last year I took Women in Literature and Reading, Writing, and Arguing. I have done one debate, and have written numerous argumentative papers, and all different types of papers based on books we read in class. I enjoy writing so every once and awhile I will freelance write. This is my first English class at UMD and I have never taken a college writing class before. 

3. What steps do you usually follow when you write a paper? Do you outline? Revise? Compose on a word processor? What part of the writing process do you find easiest? What part do you find hardest?

When I write papers, I have to be organized. I do everything in steps. Outlining is key and I am terrible at grammar so I usually revise my papers 100 times. I find that using a diverse vocabulary is the easiest part of writing, and proofreading is by far the hardest part. I always type my papers on a computer because re-writing them until they are perfect would take forever. 

4. What kind of writing has given you the most satisfaction?
I enjoy free lance writing when I get to pick the topic; however, I did do a debate last year that I thought was intriguing and surprisingly I received a very good grade on it even though it was my first time doing one. 

5. What is the longest or most challenging paper you have ever had to write? How did you go about preparing and writing it? What did you learn about writing from that experience?
In sixth grade they made us write a ten page paper about a topic of our choice. It wasn't necessarily hard, but it was the first time I had to write a truly long paper. I did everything in steps and stayed organized so it was not impossible. The teachers also helped us out a little bit since we were so young. I learned that I can write ALOT, more than you would expect and that writing is fun when you like what you are writing about.

6. What do you remember learning about writing from other courses or other writing experiences that you found useful?
I learned to infuse literary elements into my writing and to use a diverse vocabulary. I also learned not to use baby words and certain words to stay away from in formal writing. 

7. Assess your strengths and weaknesses as a writer. What are you good at? What aspects of your writing are you dissatisfied with?

These questions are beginning to seem a bit repetitive, but I hate the fact that I can not spell or do grammar to save my life. I think my creativity is one of my biggest strengths. I often think of weird, abstract things that no one else thought of. 

8. What part of the writing process do you think you will need the most support with? I will definately need some help in the grammar department.

9. If you had your choice of subjects for a research project, what issues or topics would you like to write about? Hmm. There are tons I would be interested in. Really anything in the science realm would be potentially useful in the future. I also really enjoy sports and love to write about them. 

10. What do you associate with the term argument? How do you feel about taking a course that focuses on argumentation? 
I am thankful that I took a Reading, Writing, and Arguing class my last semester of high school. I think it was a good beginning class and hopefully it has prepared me for this course. I think the term argument means you should be able to persuade someone through use of rhetoric to support your views on a particular issue. 

Friday, September 5, 2008

first post =]

College. College. College. That's all I've been hearing since my freshman year of high school. Now that I'm finally here, I can see that it is all that it's cracked up to be. There is always something going on and tons of fun things to do. There are lots of new opportunities to explore and there's something new around every corner. I'm excited to take advantage of all the opportunities here at Maryland. So far I have joined the Club Softball team, and I am playing Intramural soccer. I hope to run for floor representative of the sixth floor in Easton where I live and I'm thinking about joining Hilel, even though technically I'm only half a jew (my mom is Jewish and my dad is Catholic). I am also checking out the sororities to see if I want to rush next semester. Some of my friends from home are in Aephii so I'm guessing that is where I will end up if I decide to rush. 
So right now I'm hanging out in my dorm with my roommate Elise, and our floormates Vicki and Bethany. We're meeting up with a bunch of people to go play volleyball in the Rec Center. We did this yesterday also and it was so much fun. Everyone was terrible so it was pretty funny to watch. I also played racketball for the first time. That game is hard! I had no idea how confusing it was. It's a really good workout though so I would definately recommend trying it one day. After volleyball I'm going to the Aephii house to go see my friend from home. It will be nice to finally see a friendly face. I am the only one from my high school who came here to College Park, but there are a few girls that are older from a neighboring high school. I'm heading out to go play volleyball now. Peace.