Wednesday, December 3, 2008

i hate finals and i havent even started studying for them yet

its official - these next two weeks are going to absolutely impossible. i have more work to do than there are hours in a day. i dont understand how its physically possible to get this done. im going to have to stop eating, working out, showering, and sleeping in order to do it all. that is disgusting and i refuse to do that so basically im going to fail out of college because i want to do normal, daily functions. its already four today and i have to start my math homework, do my chem lab thats due tomorrow, do my chem prelab by 12:00 tonight, study for my massive chem test on friday, and start my english outline. i would also like to be able to go to the gym, eat dinner, and shower without staying up until 3am since i have to get up at 7am for my lab tomorrow. in total, tonight is going to be awful. i dont mind writing this journal because my night is going to be so miserable i would much rather procrastinate and keep writing. i just want this week to be over. i need a break. i can not work for 19 straight days with no break. im taking friday night off and sleeping all day saturday. except i have work to do this weekend too which is certainly not making life any easier. on top of all the work i have to schedule my classes which im sure many of them are full or are not going to fit into my schedule like i want them to and im going to be stuck with a terrible schedule for next semester. this is just going to be awful. im paranoid about everything. im so stressed that writing about it is almost making me more stressed. i dont have time to breathe or think anymore. venting is good. maybe this will help if for the next two weeks i just write about how awful my life is and how much i want this semester to end. i hate how every class is crunching down and trying to fit in all of these tests and reviews and god knows what else in. next week i have a feeling that i am going to be in crisis mode and just reading my life away and not remembering anything. im afraid if i stop exercising i might go completely insane so im going to go to the gym everyday reguardless of my insane amount of work to do. i just keep thinking about how nice it's going to be when these next 15 days are over with and im free for 5 weeks and i can go relax on the beach in aruba and have fun with my friends in florida except 15 days suddenly seems like an eternity. luckily time flies in college park and i have a feeling this week will be over with before i know it so sunday when i look at my calendar again ill only have 5 more days of classes and 3 days of finals to get through which doesnt look so bad. im going to go work on my schedule now so i can see if any of the classes i want to take are still going to be open. that would be stupendous if they are but i have a strange feeling they arent going to be. cant wait. 

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