Friday, December 5, 2008

hell week is over yayay

the longest week of my life has ended. i can not wait to go out tonight and celebrate. i did work all week this week. i am absolutely exhausted beyond belief. all i did was do work. i had a huge bio test wednesday and then i had a huge chem test today. the bio test was hard as usual because she always tricks us and she hasnt posted the grades yet because she waits like two weeks to do it and the semester is over in two weeks so ill probably never find out. my chem test everyone ran out of time so like no one finished the test so im nervous because i didnt get to answer the last half of the test. i was so happy for that test to be over. i went to bio after and we watched a video about trees - it was so boring. i understand that its important to save the environment and not destroy our natural resources except i did not need to watch a 20 minute video about it when i have a final in a week and a half that has nothing to do with saving the rain forests and the mountaintops. when class was FINALLY over which seemed like 3 hours later i came home and changed and went to the gym. i worked out with my friend jasmyne today whose on the soccer team so shes in awesome shape so it was nice to work out with someone who actually pushes themselves. we were there for like two hours. it was nice to finally relax and not rush because i had 3 hours of homework to come home to in addition to studying. today is my break i decided im not doing any work today. besides this. but this isnt really work. or atleast i dont see it as that. anyway so i just ate and now im thinking about taking a nap before i go out tonight but its already 8 and i have to get ready and apparently be at fe by 10 for the eve 6 concert tonight that im so excited for!!! i cant wait! im going to go attempt at sleeping which is not going to go well at all

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