Wednesday, December 10, 2008

its 65 degrees and december 10

so todays weather has been absolutely absurd. i woke up this morning expecting to bundle up and i was excited because my hair was down so i could finally wear my winter hat when my friend walks into my room and goes "its ridiculously warm should probably just wear shorts." i looked back at her absolutely perplexed at her statement. she responded with "well maybe not shorts but its supposed to be 65 degrees today." i mean i know maryland is south of new york, but were not in florida here. 65 degrees in the winter? this is absurd. techinically its not winter until the 21st but still were close enough. it should be in the 30s and 40s. not the 50s and 60s. i ended up wearing pants and a sweatshirt and sweating the entire day. and of course its obscenely hot in the dorms too. we probably dont even need the heat on today. i can probably open the window and wont be cold. the other night we opened our window and woke up shivering in the middle of the night because it was so cold. i dont understand this weather. its eratic and crazy. im afraid that everyone is going to get sick because its hot one day then freezing the next. i dont need this right before finals week. i dont get any sleep as it is so combine that with this awful weather and im going to get sick. i woke up with a sore throat this morning. im pretty sure its because i go to bed at 2am every night and wake up at either 7am or 9am everyday. i want to catch up on sleep this weekend except ill be too busy studying my life away. i just hope my body makes it to next thursday when my last final is. the good thing is all of my finals are late in the day, except for chem which is at 10:30 except im certainly not complaining about that one. this way i can wake up an hour earlier and study instead of waking up at 7 in order to make it to an 8am final like in high school, i can wake up at 10, study, eat, and then go take my final. this is actually really helpful and i think it will ultimately help me do better on my finals. i am certainly not a morning person so being awake will definately be helpful. i just wish i had more time. like today right now im napping then going to dinner at adels because i have 200 dollars left on my meal plan and i need to use some of them up or im going to have 100 extra dollars when i go home and i feel bad having all of this unused money. when i come back i have to do my chem lab that is due tomorrow which i heard is tons of pointless graphing, then i have to do my chem prelab for tomorrow. then im going to go to the gym if its not past 10 already which im hoping it wont be. then im going to come back and try to do either my 2 bio quizzes or my chem homework. if i dont do them today then im going to have to do both tomorrow along with my english paper. and tomorrow im not going to get home before 3. there just isnt enough hours in a day to do all of this work. its so frustrating.i want to have all of my work done by friday so i can just study all day friday, saturday, and sunday. im hoping this will be enough time but im assuming it's not. its definately crunch time and its going to be impossible.

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