Monday, December 8, 2008

last week of classes

wow time has really been flying by. its already the last week of classes - which probably means i should be starting to study for my finals. oyyy i am definitely not looking forward to that at all. theres so much to do in so little time! atleast my rough draft for my english paper is done so the final draft shouldnt be too bad. im just having some issues with citing because in high school we cited completely differently. every fact and figure that wasnt your own work had to be cited. eh i guess ill figure out how to do it the right way eventually. im not too worried about it as of now - im sure my opinions will change on thursday night. i actually found out alot of interesting information while i was researching. i even found an article about a guy saying that tearing your acl is nothing and that you should be able to walk around fine after you tear your acl. then he went on to say that women used to be working in the field and they would "pop out a baby, shove it in a barrel, and go back to work"..i want to know what that guy was on when he wrote that article. i had never read such a repulsing article in my life. people were commenting on the bottom that the guy was a psycho so i guess im not the only one who thought he was crazy..this really didnt even have anything to do with my paper - i just happened to come across it while i was researching..i guess because it was 3am and i was completely overtired and couldnt sleep that could have made me so furious with the sure i still have more researching to do so im sure ill come across more interesting facts..i had finally finished my rough draft at 3 last night so i tried to sleep but couldnt so i ended up talking with my roommate until like 430 when we finally went to sleep. i had to get up at 9 to go to class today so that was awesome..just friend came in my room and said it was FREEZING out and to wear every article of clothing we owned so my friend olivia and i bundled up before we left and we got outside and it wasnt even that cold! i did hear today was the coldest day of hte year so far but its supposed to get warmer after today - i hope. if not i might not make it through finals week if it keeps getting colder. after english class today i got to make my schedule for next semester and of course i got closed out of all of my classes that i need to take so now i have this horrible schedule and no organic chemistry lab. literally there is one lab open and i have a mandatory math class during that time so theres no possible way for me to take it. i emailed my advisor because i was freaking out because i have to take orgo lab so right now im on the waiting list for 5 different orgo labs. one of them better open up or im screwed. scheduling is so frustrating! im so angry about it. ugh so i ended up being late to math because it took so long to make my schedule. math let out early today thank god. then i had chemistry where we found out the average on the test was a 59. she told us that was a good average. yeah okay thats a little weird if you ask me that you think its good that the average was a 59. i figured it should atleast be like a 70 but i guess not. i hate these ridiculous curves. then i went to bio and my teacher still hasnt given our test grades back that we took last wednesday. i dont get why it takes so long to grade. my chem teacher grades our test that day and has our grades posted by midnight that night. so im still waiting on my bio grade and hoping that i didnt fail because then im going to fail bio! i need to stop stressing about grades and actually get some work done.

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