Friday, December 12, 2008

last day of the semesterr!

finally its the last day of the semester. ive been waiting for so long! this semester has just been work work work. i cant wait until a week from now when im home doing absolutely nothing with me life. a week from now ill be working at the salon and going to the gym everyday. fun fun fun. it sounds so much better than studying, doing homework, and going to class. and i dont have to wake up early anymore. i usually work at night so every day i can wake up at 12, eat lunch, go to the gym at 3 then go to work at 5. its gonna be awesome. as long as i can get some steady hours at work. then its christmas. i love christmas. its my favorite holiday. its such a happy time of the year. i have to go buy presents for the whole fam and the boyfriend when i go home. i dont know what to get any of them so ill most likely be wandering around the mall for hours. i cant wait. haha. that should be very entertaining. i really have no idea what to get my boyfriend. after two and a half years im basically out of ideas. i was like lets just go on a vacation or something forget presents lets go somewhere warm. but then i remembered that im going to aruba with my family and hes going to mexico with his family. and then im going to miami for a week to visit my roommate and he goes to school in miami so its basically pointless for us to go to florida and were both already going out of the country and i figured it was stupid for us to wait until the summer or spring break for a christmas gift. 
anyway im in bio right now. my last bio106 lecture ever. this is the most boring class in the world and i absolutely can not stand it. i usually go because i feel guilty going but it is literally the worst part of my day every monday wednesday and friday from 2-3pm. i will never take a class with dr. via again. ive never been so miserable in a bio class in my life. im not even doing that badly in it. its just so freaking boring and i could have an A if she taught anything. im pretty sure every test all she does is try to trick us and twists her words around so well puposely fail. ugh i can not wait until this final is over. its going to be terrible trying to memorize a textbook since she doesnt test us off of anything we learn in class. i might as well have just read the stupid textbook and not even went to class. i would have learned more if i dedicated 3 solid hours a week to memorizing the textbook instead of sitting here staring at a wall and typing my life away because im so bored. last lecture she read us dr. seuss. really? dr. seuss? im pretty sure i read that when i was 5 and i dont need my college professor to read me dr. seuss when were supposed to be learning. okay im going to go and pretend to pay attention even though im completely lying and theres no way im going to pay attention. thank god after this my semester is over!

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