Sunday, December 7, 2008


i love lazy sundays. except today is going to be filled with football and work so that is not going to be fun. if the jets lose i will be thoroughly upset and not want to do my work. so they better beat the 49ers or else. i have to do my math homework, write my english rough draft, and find classes to take next semester since ive gotten closed out of basically all of them already. i hate being a freshman - this is so frustrating. anywho this weekend was fun. friday night i went to the eve 6 concert at fe. it was fun. i was disappointed because i felt like they really didnt play for that long. the opening band played for almost the same amount of time as eve6. they were good but i feel like now theyre old and washed up. like a few years ago they had hits on the radio and stuff but i havent heard anything new from them in awhile. and now apparently theyre playing in college bars so i guess theyre not all that successful anymore. after the concert we came back to my dorm and ordered panda. we love panda. its kind of our obsession that we order atleast once a week. that was yummyy. we hung out for awhile in the dorm then went to sleep. saturday i got absolutely nothing accomplished. i wanted to do some of my homework but i just needed a break after a long week. i ended up sleeping until 2, then making lunch with my roommate because we were too cold to walk to the dining hall. then we played apples to apples, which might i add is my new favorite game, for a good hour and a half. then we went to go talk to the boys and play with their longboard. and then we ended up with a skateboard. and then i somehow ended up teaching one of my friends how to skateboard since apparently no one knows how. i think its kind of funny i could do it and most of the boys couldnt. we hardcore skateboarded up and down the hallway for a good hour then decided to play soccer/volleyball instead. i had alot of energy to get out and i was way too cold to go to the gym. after volleyball it was already close to 8pm so i figured i should eat some dinner. roomielove and i made dinner because once again we were too cold to go to the dining hall so we made bowl appetite. then we watched flirting with forty on lifetime. best move ever. hottest guy ever. robert buckley. clearly my new obession. the entire point of the movie was to see this ridiculously good looking man naked but whatevs. after that it was already like 11 so we decided to stay in for the night since it was going to snow later anyway. we had fun chilling in the lounge and bonding with our floor. alot of people didnt go out last night because of the weather so there were lots of people to hang out with. we ended up staying up in the lounge until 4am bonding with everyone. it was overall a good night. except the only problem is i slept until 1230 then got dragged to the diner so now its 2:40 and i havent done any of my homework and i want to watch the giants eagles game then the jets 49ers game after so now im having a major dilemma. ill probably do all my homework while watching the games and ill be really distracted. ill figure it out i hope.

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