Friday, December 12, 2008

last day of the semesterr!

finally its the last day of the semester. ive been waiting for so long! this semester has just been work work work. i cant wait until a week from now when im home doing absolutely nothing with me life. a week from now ill be working at the salon and going to the gym everyday. fun fun fun. it sounds so much better than studying, doing homework, and going to class. and i dont have to wake up early anymore. i usually work at night so every day i can wake up at 12, eat lunch, go to the gym at 3 then go to work at 5. its gonna be awesome. as long as i can get some steady hours at work. then its christmas. i love christmas. its my favorite holiday. its such a happy time of the year. i have to go buy presents for the whole fam and the boyfriend when i go home. i dont know what to get any of them so ill most likely be wandering around the mall for hours. i cant wait. haha. that should be very entertaining. i really have no idea what to get my boyfriend. after two and a half years im basically out of ideas. i was like lets just go on a vacation or something forget presents lets go somewhere warm. but then i remembered that im going to aruba with my family and hes going to mexico with his family. and then im going to miami for a week to visit my roommate and he goes to school in miami so its basically pointless for us to go to florida and were both already going out of the country and i figured it was stupid for us to wait until the summer or spring break for a christmas gift. 
anyway im in bio right now. my last bio106 lecture ever. this is the most boring class in the world and i absolutely can not stand it. i usually go because i feel guilty going but it is literally the worst part of my day every monday wednesday and friday from 2-3pm. i will never take a class with dr. via again. ive never been so miserable in a bio class in my life. im not even doing that badly in it. its just so freaking boring and i could have an A if she taught anything. im pretty sure every test all she does is try to trick us and twists her words around so well puposely fail. ugh i can not wait until this final is over. its going to be terrible trying to memorize a textbook since she doesnt test us off of anything we learn in class. i might as well have just read the stupid textbook and not even went to class. i would have learned more if i dedicated 3 solid hours a week to memorizing the textbook instead of sitting here staring at a wall and typing my life away because im so bored. last lecture she read us dr. seuss. really? dr. seuss? im pretty sure i read that when i was 5 and i dont need my college professor to read me dr. seuss when were supposed to be learning. okay im going to go and pretend to pay attention even though im completely lying and theres no way im going to pay attention. thank god after this my semester is over!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

its 65 degrees and december 10

so todays weather has been absolutely absurd. i woke up this morning expecting to bundle up and i was excited because my hair was down so i could finally wear my winter hat when my friend walks into my room and goes "its ridiculously warm should probably just wear shorts." i looked back at her absolutely perplexed at her statement. she responded with "well maybe not shorts but its supposed to be 65 degrees today." i mean i know maryland is south of new york, but were not in florida here. 65 degrees in the winter? this is absurd. techinically its not winter until the 21st but still were close enough. it should be in the 30s and 40s. not the 50s and 60s. i ended up wearing pants and a sweatshirt and sweating the entire day. and of course its obscenely hot in the dorms too. we probably dont even need the heat on today. i can probably open the window and wont be cold. the other night we opened our window and woke up shivering in the middle of the night because it was so cold. i dont understand this weather. its eratic and crazy. im afraid that everyone is going to get sick because its hot one day then freezing the next. i dont need this right before finals week. i dont get any sleep as it is so combine that with this awful weather and im going to get sick. i woke up with a sore throat this morning. im pretty sure its because i go to bed at 2am every night and wake up at either 7am or 9am everyday. i want to catch up on sleep this weekend except ill be too busy studying my life away. i just hope my body makes it to next thursday when my last final is. the good thing is all of my finals are late in the day, except for chem which is at 10:30 except im certainly not complaining about that one. this way i can wake up an hour earlier and study instead of waking up at 7 in order to make it to an 8am final like in high school, i can wake up at 10, study, eat, and then go take my final. this is actually really helpful and i think it will ultimately help me do better on my finals. i am certainly not a morning person so being awake will definately be helpful. i just wish i had more time. like today right now im napping then going to dinner at adels because i have 200 dollars left on my meal plan and i need to use some of them up or im going to have 100 extra dollars when i go home and i feel bad having all of this unused money. when i come back i have to do my chem lab that is due tomorrow which i heard is tons of pointless graphing, then i have to do my chem prelab for tomorrow. then im going to go to the gym if its not past 10 already which im hoping it wont be. then im going to come back and try to do either my 2 bio quizzes or my chem homework. if i dont do them today then im going to have to do both tomorrow along with my english paper. and tomorrow im not going to get home before 3. there just isnt enough hours in a day to do all of this work. its so frustrating.i want to have all of my work done by friday so i can just study all day friday, saturday, and sunday. im hoping this will be enough time but im assuming it's not. its definately crunch time and its going to be impossible.

Monday, December 8, 2008

last week of classes

wow time has really been flying by. its already the last week of classes - which probably means i should be starting to study for my finals. oyyy i am definitely not looking forward to that at all. theres so much to do in so little time! atleast my rough draft for my english paper is done so the final draft shouldnt be too bad. im just having some issues with citing because in high school we cited completely differently. every fact and figure that wasnt your own work had to be cited. eh i guess ill figure out how to do it the right way eventually. im not too worried about it as of now - im sure my opinions will change on thursday night. i actually found out alot of interesting information while i was researching. i even found an article about a guy saying that tearing your acl is nothing and that you should be able to walk around fine after you tear your acl. then he went on to say that women used to be working in the field and they would "pop out a baby, shove it in a barrel, and go back to work"..i want to know what that guy was on when he wrote that article. i had never read such a repulsing article in my life. people were commenting on the bottom that the guy was a psycho so i guess im not the only one who thought he was crazy..this really didnt even have anything to do with my paper - i just happened to come across it while i was researching..i guess because it was 3am and i was completely overtired and couldnt sleep that could have made me so furious with the sure i still have more researching to do so im sure ill come across more interesting facts..i had finally finished my rough draft at 3 last night so i tried to sleep but couldnt so i ended up talking with my roommate until like 430 when we finally went to sleep. i had to get up at 9 to go to class today so that was awesome..just friend came in my room and said it was FREEZING out and to wear every article of clothing we owned so my friend olivia and i bundled up before we left and we got outside and it wasnt even that cold! i did hear today was the coldest day of hte year so far but its supposed to get warmer after today - i hope. if not i might not make it through finals week if it keeps getting colder. after english class today i got to make my schedule for next semester and of course i got closed out of all of my classes that i need to take so now i have this horrible schedule and no organic chemistry lab. literally there is one lab open and i have a mandatory math class during that time so theres no possible way for me to take it. i emailed my advisor because i was freaking out because i have to take orgo lab so right now im on the waiting list for 5 different orgo labs. one of them better open up or im screwed. scheduling is so frustrating! im so angry about it. ugh so i ended up being late to math because it took so long to make my schedule. math let out early today thank god. then i had chemistry where we found out the average on the test was a 59. she told us that was a good average. yeah okay thats a little weird if you ask me that you think its good that the average was a 59. i figured it should atleast be like a 70 but i guess not. i hate these ridiculous curves. then i went to bio and my teacher still hasnt given our test grades back that we took last wednesday. i dont get why it takes so long to grade. my chem teacher grades our test that day and has our grades posted by midnight that night. so im still waiting on my bio grade and hoping that i didnt fail because then im going to fail bio! i need to stop stressing about grades and actually get some work done.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


i love lazy sundays. except today is going to be filled with football and work so that is not going to be fun. if the jets lose i will be thoroughly upset and not want to do my work. so they better beat the 49ers or else. i have to do my math homework, write my english rough draft, and find classes to take next semester since ive gotten closed out of basically all of them already. i hate being a freshman - this is so frustrating. anywho this weekend was fun. friday night i went to the eve 6 concert at fe. it was fun. i was disappointed because i felt like they really didnt play for that long. the opening band played for almost the same amount of time as eve6. they were good but i feel like now theyre old and washed up. like a few years ago they had hits on the radio and stuff but i havent heard anything new from them in awhile. and now apparently theyre playing in college bars so i guess theyre not all that successful anymore. after the concert we came back to my dorm and ordered panda. we love panda. its kind of our obsession that we order atleast once a week. that was yummyy. we hung out for awhile in the dorm then went to sleep. saturday i got absolutely nothing accomplished. i wanted to do some of my homework but i just needed a break after a long week. i ended up sleeping until 2, then making lunch with my roommate because we were too cold to walk to the dining hall. then we played apples to apples, which might i add is my new favorite game, for a good hour and a half. then we went to go talk to the boys and play with their longboard. and then we ended up with a skateboard. and then i somehow ended up teaching one of my friends how to skateboard since apparently no one knows how. i think its kind of funny i could do it and most of the boys couldnt. we hardcore skateboarded up and down the hallway for a good hour then decided to play soccer/volleyball instead. i had alot of energy to get out and i was way too cold to go to the gym. after volleyball it was already close to 8pm so i figured i should eat some dinner. roomielove and i made dinner because once again we were too cold to go to the dining hall so we made bowl appetite. then we watched flirting with forty on lifetime. best move ever. hottest guy ever. robert buckley. clearly my new obession. the entire point of the movie was to see this ridiculously good looking man naked but whatevs. after that it was already like 11 so we decided to stay in for the night since it was going to snow later anyway. we had fun chilling in the lounge and bonding with our floor. alot of people didnt go out last night because of the weather so there were lots of people to hang out with. we ended up staying up in the lounge until 4am bonding with everyone. it was overall a good night. except the only problem is i slept until 1230 then got dragged to the diner so now its 2:40 and i havent done any of my homework and i want to watch the giants eagles game then the jets 49ers game after so now im having a major dilemma. ill probably do all my homework while watching the games and ill be really distracted. ill figure it out i hope.

Friday, December 5, 2008

hell week is over yayay

the longest week of my life has ended. i can not wait to go out tonight and celebrate. i did work all week this week. i am absolutely exhausted beyond belief. all i did was do work. i had a huge bio test wednesday and then i had a huge chem test today. the bio test was hard as usual because she always tricks us and she hasnt posted the grades yet because she waits like two weeks to do it and the semester is over in two weeks so ill probably never find out. my chem test everyone ran out of time so like no one finished the test so im nervous because i didnt get to answer the last half of the test. i was so happy for that test to be over. i went to bio after and we watched a video about trees - it was so boring. i understand that its important to save the environment and not destroy our natural resources except i did not need to watch a 20 minute video about it when i have a final in a week and a half that has nothing to do with saving the rain forests and the mountaintops. when class was FINALLY over which seemed like 3 hours later i came home and changed and went to the gym. i worked out with my friend jasmyne today whose on the soccer team so shes in awesome shape so it was nice to work out with someone who actually pushes themselves. we were there for like two hours. it was nice to finally relax and not rush because i had 3 hours of homework to come home to in addition to studying. today is my break i decided im not doing any work today. besides this. but this isnt really work. or atleast i dont see it as that. anyway so i just ate and now im thinking about taking a nap before i go out tonight but its already 8 and i have to get ready and apparently be at fe by 10 for the eve 6 concert tonight that im so excited for!!! i cant wait! im going to go attempt at sleeping which is not going to go well at all

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

i hate finals and i havent even started studying for them yet

its official - these next two weeks are going to absolutely impossible. i have more work to do than there are hours in a day. i dont understand how its physically possible to get this done. im going to have to stop eating, working out, showering, and sleeping in order to do it all. that is disgusting and i refuse to do that so basically im going to fail out of college because i want to do normal, daily functions. its already four today and i have to start my math homework, do my chem lab thats due tomorrow, do my chem prelab by 12:00 tonight, study for my massive chem test on friday, and start my english outline. i would also like to be able to go to the gym, eat dinner, and shower without staying up until 3am since i have to get up at 7am for my lab tomorrow. in total, tonight is going to be awful. i dont mind writing this journal because my night is going to be so miserable i would much rather procrastinate and keep writing. i just want this week to be over. i need a break. i can not work for 19 straight days with no break. im taking friday night off and sleeping all day saturday. except i have work to do this weekend too which is certainly not making life any easier. on top of all the work i have to schedule my classes which im sure many of them are full or are not going to fit into my schedule like i want them to and im going to be stuck with a terrible schedule for next semester. this is just going to be awful. im paranoid about everything. im so stressed that writing about it is almost making me more stressed. i dont have time to breathe or think anymore. venting is good. maybe this will help if for the next two weeks i just write about how awful my life is and how much i want this semester to end. i hate how every class is crunching down and trying to fit in all of these tests and reviews and god knows what else in. next week i have a feeling that i am going to be in crisis mode and just reading my life away and not remembering anything. im afraid if i stop exercising i might go completely insane so im going to go to the gym everyday reguardless of my insane amount of work to do. i just keep thinking about how nice it's going to be when these next 15 days are over with and im free for 5 weeks and i can go relax on the beach in aruba and have fun with my friends in florida except 15 days suddenly seems like an eternity. luckily time flies in college park and i have a feeling this week will be over with before i know it so sunday when i look at my calendar again ill only have 5 more days of classes and 3 days of finals to get through which doesnt look so bad. im going to go work on my schedule now so i can see if any of the classes i want to take are still going to be open. that would be stupendous if they are but i have a strange feeling they arent going to be. cant wait. 

Monday, December 1, 2008

monday monday monday

ah back in cp already! where did the time go? i feel like i wasnt even home. maybe thats because it took me 8 hours to get back here which is ridiculous considering i live four hours away. i hate thanksgiving traffic. next year i decided im coming back monday morning and missing my monday classes because it is completely worth it so i can keep my sanity. i sat on a bus for seven hours. seven miserable hours. it was horrible. and i was all by myself! i left new york city at 2pm and didnt make it back to campus until 10pm. what boggles my mind is in dc there was no traffic at all. and we hit traffic in the most random places. newark, delaware was the worst. theres nothing in newark, delaware besides the university of delaware but i dont think students going back to campus could have caused that much traffic. i didnt even see any accidents. ugh never doing this again. and flying is out of the question since the airports were even worse. my boyfriends flight to miami got delayed for 3 hours and he ended up not getting back to campus until 3am. my friend who was trying to fly back to maryland's flight got cancelled altogether and she couldnt come back until monday morning anyway. traveling for thanksgiving is just ridiculous. it better not be this bad when we go home for christmas break or i will freak out.
aside from the obscene traffic i am happy to be back in college park. the time flew by but i was ready to go back. home just isnt as exciting as it used to be. alot of people changed. things were definately different but atleast my big group of friends was still the same. all 50 of us managed to hang out at some point so that was nice my friends were still there for me. well most of them that is. i was also happy to see my best friends from college when i came home. i was the last one to get back - go figure. my roommate even beat me here from miami even though she left 2 hours later than me. we all caught up on what was going on at home then realized that we all had homework to do. at this point it was already 11 so lucky me i got to stay up until 2am doing my homework. and i actually did work over vacation too. all day saturday i did my math and chem homework so i wouldnt have that much to do when i came back except of course i had an overwhelming amount. why would my life be easy for once? nooo way jose. i couldnt fall asleep last night either since im so used to going to bed at 3am and waking up at 12pm. luckily i didnt have to get up until 9 today but tomorrow i have to get up at 7 so im in trouble if i cant fall asleep tonight. i woke up and walked to english and i realized that i only have to do that horrible half hour walk 5 more times..woo hoo..after english i went to math and apparently they cancelled it at 8 this morning except i didnt check my email this morning so me and two other girls showed up apparently for no reason. im so mad they couldnt have given us a little more notice. by the time we figured it out i had another class in 45 min so it was pointless for me to go back to my dorm. i just went to the library and studied for a half an hour. then i had to go to chem where i have a huge test friday that im going to fail with flying colors. then i went to bio where i have a huge test wednesday. joy. after bio she had a review so i went to the bio review which was extremely boring so i left a half hour early because i was literally falling asleep.  i figured i can study on my own better than being half awake trying desperately to listen to what shes saying that doesnt even make any sense. and now im sitting in my dorm typing my journal in the hallway since my roomate is asleep in my room. shocker there. everyday when i come home shes passed out in the room. its so funny. i think im gonna go relocate to the lounge so i can actually get some work done.